The Methodists are accepting 111 homosexual clergy on last count. We take up this common statement, “I have a gay friend.” Why would you advertise your friend’s sins? Or do people wear this sin as a badge? Should we identify people with a particular sin in this way? Kevin Swanson examines this mindset, and then points out that Jesus did not party with sinners and give them high fives in their sins. He called them to repentance.
June 5, 2018
The social and political instability intensifies. Institutions crumble under the weight of the social revolution and the moral chaos of the day. Here is a little commentary on the collapse of the last empire, and a tribute to Tom Wolfe, the best writer of epitaphs for empires anybody ever saw. Age old institutions are cracking right now across the country. No political and religious leader is safe in a revolutionary age. The Me-Toos and the Snowflakes will work their vengeance, without taking a whole lot of interest in God’s law. Nonetheless, Al Mohler makes a good point - this judgment is God’s judgment and it must begin at the household of God. We take a quick look at the removal of Paige Patterson (stripped of “benefits, rights, and privileges”) from his position as President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
June 1, 2018
After some 1,400 years of Christian influence in the Western world, finally the last major nation (Ireland) topples to the pro-death, anti-Christian position. Some end times gurus are asking the question, “Is this the end of the millennium?” The Catholics have no influence in Ireland, and the Protestant Christians have lost influence as well. Given that only parts of Africa and South America remain pro-life, now what will the remaining Christians do in the West? Our answers may surprise you.
May 30, 2018
No single person has ever made more of an impact on the world than Jesus Christ. This statement would have been hard to say in A.D. 85, but there is no question about it today. Jesus has affected our calendar, language, idioms, social mores, treatment of women, charity, hospitals, economics, science, liberty, music, art, and abolishment of chattel slavery. Kevin Swanson interviews Dr. Alvin Schmidt, the author of an eye-opening, landmark treatment of 2000 years of world history. Get your children to listen to this one!
May 29, 2018
On May 15th, California Judge Daniel Ottolia affirmed life when he overturned the 2-year-old physician-assisted suicide law which had led to the deaths of 111 Californians, noting that the legislature acted unconstitutionally.
Guest host Adam McManus ( talks with Dr. David Stevens, president of the 19,000-member Christian Medical & Dental Association (, who says, "Assisted suicide is not healthcare; it has no role in the healing arts of medicine. Depressed patients can easily fall prey to the temptation to give up on life. Those who have a financial interest in a patient's death—insurers, the government, greedy heirs—can wield lethal pressure against the elderly and infirm. When these laws pass, millions of Americans, including many teenagers, who feel vulnerable to thoughts of suicide, hear a message from the government that suicide is a good thing.”
You’ll hear about the differences between physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, the Biblical reasons why they are wrong, and the disturbing notion that 25 states introduced such lethal bills in their legislatures, the vast majority of which failed to pass – for now.
May 28, 2018
An Australian sexuality expert has suggested that parents ask permission before changing a baby's diaper. Permission of whom? The baby, of course! Why? In order to create a culture of consent. Join Bill and Steve as they explore what other permissions parents should seek with their children. For example, should mothers ask permission of the unborn before aborting them?
May 25, 2018
Guest host Adam McManus interviews Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation about President Trump's "Protect Life Rule" announced last Friday which will prevent Title X programs from conducting, counseling for, or referring for abortion, denying $60-$170 million in tax money to Planned Parenthood. Parker blames GOP Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska for singlehandedly allowing the funding of $500 million to Planned Parenthood to continue. 49 Republican Senators voted to de-fund the abortion giant and the president was prepared to sign it into law.
Plus, they address Trump's next pro-life Supreme Court nominee when Justice Anthony Kennedy retires, allowing for Roe v. Wade to be overturned when the Iowa Heartbeat Law bubbles up to the Supreme Court.
Add your name to the tens of thousands in a petition to the highest court through and learn how you can help prevent forced abortions by parents and boyfriends.
May 24, 2018