Hope Ministry

Inseong Kim

How Can We Serve?

November 25, 2012
We have David and JoAnn Everitt as our guests today. They are founders and the president of Crisis Pregnancy Center in Phoenix Arizona.  Through their ministry, tens of thousands babies' lives are saved and many women and men made a choice for life for the babies. They continue to expand life changing outreach for those who need help in often desperate times of their life. Thank you for being with us, in our program, In His Love. We are honored to have you on our program.

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The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” (Isaiah 60:22)

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Psalm 23
We live in a broken world with full of challenges, failures, and disappointments. As life continues, many unknowns lie before us that can weigh us down, inflicting wounds that often get buried or ignored. We have been created to thrive in our relationships with God, our family, our neighbors and ourselves. By knowing that God is our Good Shepherd, understanding the identity that we have as his precious sheep, we can find rest and healing in our souls. Through this humble book, Healing Through Psalm 23, may God comfort you who are suffering, who are in pain, who need forgiveness; may you know God, walk confidently and grow into the maturity of coming alongside others in their journey of healing.


When we have the fear of the Lord, we will be delivered from the fear of others. All the disciples had the right fear to carry their own cross and follow Jesus. All the our ancestors of our faith had the right fear to be used for the work of the salvation of God. All the disciples wished they are all together and have a holy huddle, but God scattered them to carry their own cross to mature them. Having the right attitude toward God delivers us from the fear of other things. It is accepting who He is. He is God.The true love toward God accompanies with the right fear of God (reverence). Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.Honor her for all that her hands have done,and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. (Proverbs 31:30-31)
November 15, 2012
Stepping out with faith can make us feel like facing a giant like Goliath. The task might seem more than we can handle it. But Hebrews chapter 12:1-3 encourages us not to lose our hope. 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Here, it says Jesus is the pioneer and the perfecter. What is pioneer; a pioneer is the one who pave the new way. Another word pioneer was translated as the author that writes the scrip. No one knows how our life will be written other than Jesus himself. Jesus is also the perfecter of our faith. He finishes the story. The word, perfecter in Greek, shares the similar root of the word that was used, “it is finished.” In John 19:30. It is a different word, but consists the same root. God who finished our salvation will finish our destiny.
November 4, 2012
Keep you hope alive! Keep a journal that only includes the good things that happen (even the tiniest) Reflect on times in the past when a positive change has happened to you Fill your mind with uplifting thoughts (be aware of when your mind starts to go down a path of despair and reroute your thinking) Be certain that your circle of friends includes at least one person who always has encouraging things to say (the more of these friends the better...be sure to return the favor instead of draining them!) If you're lacking these types of friendships, be intentional about pursuing new ones. Read the Bible. It is full of stories of amazing change to inspire more faith...hope and faith are partners. Read a book of Bible promises as a reminder of what God can and says He will do. Pray. Pour your heart's desires out to the Lord. Let it be a time of emotional cleansing if you need it. Don't stop after you've told Him what you want to change. Listen to what He might be telling you in answer to your plea. Write it down as a letter from God to you. Think and talk about the future in terms of already having arrived at a better place in life. "When I'm feeling better..." or "When my husband agrees to counseling..." Don't limit yourself to wishful or "if only" statements. By Diane Markins
October 28, 2012
Many of life's challenges are out of our control. Unkind spouses,rebellious adult children, serious illness and loss of jobs are only a few. Are you still hopeful for change or has your hope begun to evaporate like steam from a tea pot? What are you doing to foster hope? An article from Hope and Change in 2010 by Diane Markins. My guest is the host of a new show on KPXQ called Bold Living with Diane Markins. Talk show with grace and grit to challenge, encourage, equip and propel you toward bolder choices for God's calling.
October 21, 2012
The law without God’s grace forces us to hide, and we feel safe hiding behind our denial in spite of the anguish and torment of our souls. However, once we truly understand that Jesus destroyed our sins on the cross, we can boldly face the countenance of God and call him ABBA. Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. (Galatians 3:23-25)
October 14, 2012
Think of a pearl! Whenever someone irritates you or hurts you, ask God for more grace to foster the beautiful character of Jesus to become more like a pearl. We are more susceptible to be hurt by someone whom we dearly love. So often we place these loved ones in our inmost being, yet it is a place where only God can truly reside. When God’s love forms in us, God takes the pearl out of us and puts it on display for the world to see. Until then, sometimes God places us in the dark places to transform our lives into a beautiful rainbow colored pearl, precious, and Christ like. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
September 23, 2012
We are reminded of more than fifty million babies who are dead through abortion, yet we have forgotten the millions of mothers and fathers who are wounded and broken. It is time for us to open our arms to those who are hurting and minister among them. Please tune in to our program, In His Love. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. (Isaiah 42:3) Today, Steven Y. Kim is with us. He is a husband of Inseong Kim, a father of three children and a full time dentist. He supports Hope Ministry because he witnessed firsthand Inseong’s pain and sorrow from abortion and also identified his own pain and sorrow as a post abortive man. God gave him a passion to help those who are suffering as well as educate the younger generations to have wisdom in their lives for their future and current marriage. Together we both felt that we have a voice to awaken our society where we are constantly bombarded with misleading messages.
August 27, 2012
The deeper our pain, the nearer we draw to the cross that leads to intimacy with Christ. My pain and sorrow became an avenue to the cross. If my sin and pain lead me to know more about Him, then I am thankful that God allowed me to experience such pain. If I had not suffered pain in this life, I would not understand heaven and hell so clearly. If there had been no dark moments, I would not have needed nor met my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful for all that God allows in my life because it illuminates His unfailing love for me. I am a child of God. I am a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, One belonging to God. SO ARE YOU! They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11)
August 13, 2012
Experiencing God’s Healing, Renewal, and Unconditional Love Psalm 30:5b Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. More than 60 million mothers and fathers seek healing from guilt caused by abortion. Some of us have faced such difficulties that we chose abortion in order to avoid the fear of having a child, in order to relieve ourselves from the suffering of having a child. For others of us, abortion was not even our willful choice, but was introduced with deception. Regardless of the reasons, we find ourselves still suffering because we could not defend our babies. Remember, however, God can heal us and restore us as we come and draw near to Him. As we truly understand the love of God, He will guide us to see our Savior. May the God of peace and joy be with you! It does not matter how we arrived on the shore of despair, because God’s love does not change. We will eventually arrive on the other side—the shore of joy in knowing Jesus deeper.  
August 6, 2012
Even today, many are still blinded from the truth even if the truth is clear because sin blinds us in deep denial. Jesus said he came to testify about the truth, which is ‘Jesus himself’ who came to die on behalf of us as the word,  אֱמֶת (truth), in Hebrew clearly described. He came to us to prove, testify His Love for us. He proved himself who he is by walking on the earth and dying on the cross and being resurrected from the death, He is who He says He is, and He can and will do what he says He can do for us. May God give you a revelation of knowing him in a special way today. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:1-5)
July 23, 2012
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Psalm 23
We live in a broken world with full of challenges, failures, and disappointments. As life continues, many unknowns lie before us that can weigh us down, inflicting wounds that often get buried or ignored. We have been created to thrive in our relationships with God, our family, our neighbors and ourselves. By knowing that God is our Good Shepherd, understanding the identity that we have as his precious sheep, we can find rest and healing in our souls. Through this humble book, Healing Through Psalm 23, may God comfort you who are suffering, who are in pain, who need forgiveness; may you know God, walk confidently and grow into the maturity of coming alongside others in their journey of healing.

About Hope Ministry

Yesterday Today Tomorrow is the program covers the current contemporary social issues in the light of our history to understand our yesterday to live fully today and tomorrow. Through the intense research and study, our program shares the message that helps us to think with rational and critical mind. When we dwell in the past, we can not live fully today, but when we forget the history, we repeat our painful history without being informed (paraphrased by Churchill). Please stay tune 960 The Patriot 5:30 every Saturday with Inseong Kim.

About Inseong Kim

Powerful Voice of the Generation

Inseong is the radio host, Yesterday Today Tomorrow, at 960 The Patriot KKNT and 1360 AM KPXQ and 10+ US radio stations WRN. She aired the pro-life program, In His Love, for 10 years. She is a communicator and journalist, radio host (bible teacher and journalist), artist, author, film executive producer and entrepreneur. Inseong studied Special Education at Ewha Women's University, and obtained an Actuarial Science Degree at Ohio State University and is currently being trained at Phoenix Seminary.  She is married to Steven, a dentist, for 35 years and has three beautiful children.

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Hope Ministry
39506 N. Daisy Mountain Dr.
Phoenix, AZ 86086