Socialist, Family-fragmenting, Birth-Imploding Dystopias vs. A Heart-warming Homeschool Family with a Bakery Nick Stam is a Dutch Baker in New Brunswick, Canada. He has 12 children, "a Baker's Dozen," and a family business that beats all family businesses. Their children have helped to operate the bakery for years, while they were homeschooled. In sharp contrast with the socialist, family-fragmenting, birth-imploding dystopia around them, here is a life-filled story of a family-integrated business filled with 12 children, sweet breads, a homeschooling mom, and a "papa" who is engaged everyday with his children. Families all over the world will find this story very inspiring! It is a story about fatherhood, families working together, debt-free living, faith, generational vision, and hope for the future.
July 11, 2011
The verdict is in - Casey Anthony has been acquitted of murder, but how should Christians respond? Many are celebrating because “the system worked” while others are as angry as a wasp that had its nest broomed. The prosecution, with the aid of the media, did a good job of convincing everyone that Casey was a bad person, but that does not make her a murderer. Dave Buehner lays out some often neglected and ignored Biblical principles of justice and Biblical law to help frame the Anthony verdict, or even the OJ verdict, not in emotional terms, but in terms of the law of God. Some listeners may find what the Bible actually says quite surprising.
July 8, 2011
Interestingly, the most godless states in America also happen to be the most "educated" states. If the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God, will this "education" you get in American universities make you wise, or just godless? What happens to states that abandon the fear of God, over a period of 100 years or so? Kevin Swanson monitors the decline of the western world, and assigns the blame to the increased secularization of education.
July 7, 2011
Today, we interview Andrew Rappaport on the challenge of street evangelism and apologetics as well as the great blessings that attend this work. The need for apologetics and evangelism continues to grow as apostasy continues in the Western World. Whether it be the Muslim, Mormon, or Christian Apostate, they each need to hear the message of hope that is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ alone.
July 6, 2011
Is America the best country in the world? Or is America the worst country in the world? It’s getting harder to tell as the years go by, at least if you look at the state of the family in this country. We are quickly losing faith, family, and freedom in this once great nation with rich Christian roots. Prosperity may be soon to grow wings and fly away as well. But will freedom ever return to our world? As long as you live here or anywhere, you have a responsibility to see to it that all of your institutions and relationships improve according to the standards of God’s Word. Some nations will always be better than others, because they better conform to the standards of God’s Word. Kevin Swanson gives a message of vision and hope for tens of thousands who want to be part of another “Mayflower,” for those who want to be a blessing for many generations to come. Here is the core message delivered to the Indiana Home Educator’s convention at Indianapolis in June of 2011.
July 5, 2011
The post-modern world has jettisoned any possibility for absolute truth, and thereby removed itself from any meaningful conversation concerning ideas. Meanwhile, Christians are finally returning to the worldview discussion, suggesting that there is a possibility for truth. Yet sadly, few Christians are really equipped to enter the discussion. Only 8% of American Christians have even the basic constituents of a biblical worldview. Enter Dr. Del Tackett and the Truth Project from Focus on the Family. Here is a significant program that is working to re-establish a solid worldview foundation for Christians who have learned a little story about Jesus, but are sadly lacking in their understanding of things like truth, God, man, law, and sin.
July 1, 2011
Ken Sande heads up what could be the most important ministry in the country. It is a ministry that lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the life of forgiveness and forgiving. In a world of divorce, faux love, church splits, church hoppers, and broken relationships, Jesus really does bring reconciliation, forgiveness, and authentic, relational life. In this 30 minute interview, Ken shares a little from his helpful little book, "Everyday Conflict Resolution." These are the nuts and bolts of true relational life, for those that are drawn to it.
June 30, 2011
How is virtue achieved? How do you get people to be moral? These are important questions as we reassess again the purpose of government. Kevin Miller, Author of the book, “Virtue Locally, Freedom Nationally or Socialism,” questions the value of government-instituted abstinence programs. What would happen to Planned Parenthood if government stopped its virtue cram down?
June 29, 2011
With the average kid in America taking in 12-13 hours of electronic media per day, we are calling Christian parents to discernment in this area. How much media is too much media? And where does media interrupt family relationships? Does media desensitize us to the things that are most important in life? After watching 67 murders in an “Action Film,” are we more sensitive to the horrific character of murder or less sensitive? Phillip Telfer from Media Talk 101 is in studio with us, as we discuss the power of media and it’s potential to do much harm.
June 28, 2011