After 50 years of relative prosperity, the Gen Xers and the Millennials are going to have to face the facts – IT’S OVER. And 12 years of big-time debt spending from Bush and Obama haven’t revived the flailing beast. The average American has seen his income decrease by 7% over the last 10 years, yet he’s paying more for gas and groceries. Get ready for more of this! According to the Christian Science Monitor, “Not since at least 1960 has the U.S. standard of living fallen so fast for so long.” The golden years of the Republic are over. But now what? What comes next? Kevin Swanson suggests a new paradigm on this edition of Generations. This is a great time to abandon the debt-based, family-fragmenting system in favor of a biblical economy! The time has never been better for a Family Economics Conference from March 8th-10th, 2012.
October 21, 2011
Unemployment is breaking out into more social unrest. Kevin Swanson points out that the “Occupy Wall Street” revolutionaries fit the bill for Proverbs 30:12-15. They hate all of the corruption they find in government and business, but they are corrupt themselves and seek even more government solutions to the problems. We recommend more self-government and less federal government – something the revolutionaries would never imagine. Also, America’s birth rate is the lowest ever – it is now imploding. Is there a correlation between unemployment and lower birth rates? With the present socio-economic system cracking, what is next? Are your families ready for what is to come?
October 20, 2011
What is the church’s responsibility? Relationships are too messy! The Preaching of the Bible is too offensive, man! Hey, why don't we just do a soup kitchen and call it done. What is the Christian’s responsibility in respect to the culture, in respect to addressing the affects of sin on a city? Do we become Marxists, and seek more redistribution of the wealth at the hands of the state? Is the church responsible for adopting the orphan, or is that the responsibility of the family sphere? Confusion reigns in these areas. Christians are constantly tossed about some sort of a jurisdictional free-for-all, because the Word of God is seldom seen as an “ethical standard” for Christians anymore. On this segment of Generations, we attempt to work out the mission of the church in an interview with Greg Gilbert, coauthor of the book, “What is the Mission of the Church?”
October 19, 2011
Parents, are you stressed out? Are you trying to keep up with some academic standard imposed upon you by somebody else? This is the program for you! Kevin Swanson interviews Mary Hood, author of The Relaxed Home School, on the paradigm shift from conventional schooling to homeschooling. They will also discuss the importance of women mentoring women in the church and our homeschooling communities.
October 18, 2011
In a recent article, ex education czar, Bill Bennett refers to the death of manhood. Never in history have we seen men so unmotivated and unproductive. But what's the solution? The Book of Virtues or the Book of Wisdom? More Greek Classical thinking or the restoration of Fatherhood and Family Economies? The most helpful motion picture ever produced on fatherhood is in the theaters now. "Courageous" is a movie that speaks to the greatest social need of the day. We interview Kevin Downes, who acted in the movie, on his role in the character and as a real father to his adopted children.
October 13, 2011
Are our homes more about rules or relationships? Do we speak law or breathe grace to our children? Kevin Swanson interview biblical counselor, homeschooling grandmother, and Christian author, Elyse Fitzpatrick on how to strike the proper balance in the home. How do we “get” our children to obey out of love for God and for their parents? How can we avoid externalistic obedience, while at the same time cultivate a love for Christ and His commandments?
October 12, 2011
A school district in Tennessee calls a group of high school coaches on the carpet for bowing at the end of a football game. Were they praying? They could have been! And this violated school policy! Worse than that, it offended the ACLU! But if education is "neutral," then why bring this biased perspective of religion and God and stuff into these "neutral" schools? We pose this question to film producer, Colin Gunn on this edition of Generations. Mr. Gunn has just completed a major documentary project called "Indoctrination."
October 11, 2011
No single person has made more of an impact on the world than Jesus Christ. This would have been hard to say in AD85. But there is no question of it today. Jesus has affected our calendar, our language, our idioms, social mores, the treatment of women, charity, hospitals, economics, science, liberty, music, art, and the abolishment of chattel slavery. Kevin Swanson interviews Dr. Alvin Schmidt, the author of an eye-opening, landmark treatment of 2000 years of world history. Get your children listening to this one!
October 10, 2011
A thousand years from now, people will look back at this day in disbelief. It was the day that the Christian church reached the lowest possible depths of degradation. It is the day that the Presbyterian Church USA ordains a homosexual. What would the Christ of Revelation 2 and 3 think of this? Kevin Swanson addresses the two problems with the Christian church and the American people. We have lost truth and love in a lost and lonely world. Half the church is apostatizing (watering down truth and ethics to the lowest common denominator), and the other half can't love each other if it killed them.
October 7, 2011