Hope Ministry

Inseong Kim

Words of Encouragement

April 4, 2011

In Hebrew, encouragement is Chazak. It is formed with chet, zain koof. This word picture tells us that encouragement is what follows the vision by Dr. Frank T. Seekins. As we are close to Easter when Jesus was crucified and rose again, we come before the Lord as intercessor for those who cannot even pray for themselves. We all can make a difference in someone’s life in enormous ways together with one simple kind word or warm hugs.

We have to change the whole environment, the dialog and our attitude.

Ladies and mothers and grandmothers, we are ministers at our home and in our neibourghood.

Hebrews 12

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Psalm 23
We live in a broken world with full of challenges, failures, and disappointments. As life continues, many unknowns lie before us that can weigh us down, inflicting wounds that often get buried or ignored. We have been created to thrive in our relationships with God, our family, our neighbors and ourselves. By knowing that God is our Good Shepherd, understanding the identity that we have as his precious sheep, we can find rest and healing in our souls. Through this humble book, Healing Through Psalm 23, may God comfort you who are suffering, who are in pain, who need forgiveness; may you know God, walk confidently and grow into the maturity of coming alongside others in their journey of healing.


Again this morning,  Amazing  Grace woke me up. This amazing grace wakes me up every morning to give me a reason to live another day. Whether there is one listener or two, for whoever has not heard this Good News, I have joy  to share the love of Christ that was poured on me. I woke up with humming the song,  “ How can I keep from singing Your praise?How can I ever say enough,How amazing is Your love?"Only those who experienced the amazing deliverance from the shame and the darkness will  understand why I am sharing this message of freedom every week.One of hanging baskets had  a bird nest with two  eggs.
March 28, 2011
El Qanna, God of Jealousy, (can mean God posses or God redeems) united with Hannah, which means grace, and gave her a son, Samuel, who led Israel to God in amazing ways and anointed the king David, whose heart was after God; who portraits Jesus Christ. This story is a picture of Crucifixion. God showed his grace even to the death on the cross to bear Children of Light, you and me. In spite of His heart in agony from our idolatry, he loves us even to death to take us back to himself at Calvary. Jesus loves you! El Qanna loves us! When Jesus hung on the cross, God knew our pain and sorrow.
March 20, 2011
I am amazed again how Yahweh was spelled in Hebrew, yod, hay, vav and hay. Yod means arm, Hay is behold or spirit of God, vav can mean nail. It has a meaning of behold the arm and behold the nail. There are no languages with the embedded the message of gospel like Hebrew. Every single Aleph Bet contains the message of the Bible. It seems to me the Hebrew Aleph Bet itself is the Bible. Yahweh was a very sacred name in Old Testament times. It appears more than 6000 times in the Bible. I wondered why it was so sacred. This name contained crucifixion of God himself. Jesus, it was You. Thank You for your love! You are deeply loved by God.
February 28, 2011
1 Peter 1:23For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. God did not only wait for us, but he came down to meet us in the place where we are, the darkest place and put all of our sin upon him to say, " I love you".  John 3:16 (Amplified Bible) For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
February 21, 2011
Dear Lord! Today is Valentine’s Day. You are our true valentine and the lover of our soul. As we celebrate Valentines’ Day, we pray that many will fine your true love, Heavely Father’s Love! We pray in Jesus name. Isaiah 44:2 (CEV) " I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Israel, don't be terrified! You are my chosen servant, my very favorite." Our true valentine is our precious Jesus, then, we can truly enjoy each other’s love. Happy Valentine’s Day! Search for the true love, you will find it!
February 14, 2011
By the grace of God, we have a privilege to see things differently in this world.When some see the darkness, we see it as opportunity,When some see the hopeless, we see hope,When some see the death, we see life,When some see the pain, we see the joy,When some see the wrath of God, we see mercy and grace,When some see the end, we see the new door from God,When some see the time that is limited on earth, we see the eternity. All because of Jesus.You are his sheep. You are precious to him. You are loved. How much? Look at the cross! That is for you! My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” (John 10:27-28)
February 7, 2011
I still remember I was full of dreams to serve the Lord when I walked into the airport in Seoul Korea to come to America. The first month, I was deceived by the enemy. Twenty years later, God allowed me to remember the dream that I had.  Even if we fail, we pick up from there and keep on walking… Sometimes, we can be exhausted from our calling when we focus too much on seeing the end rather than enjoying the journey itself whether it is a rainy day or a sunny day.When dew comes, we do not even see how it happens, but it gives moisture to plants and makes them grow. (My understanding of Anne Graham Lotz's note in facebook) God loves us all who are broken and in tears because God is near to the brokenhearted. " He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." (Psalm 147:4)
January 31, 2011
I am a sinner like anybody else, even worse. But Jesus redeemed me and got rid of my fear from me. As I come out of fear, God showed me the depth of the consequences of abortion. If I knew at the moment of conception whom I conceived had an image of God rather than a blob of tissues, the outcome would have been much different. My precious son would have been with me today as an eldest son. But even if I failed, I met God who is so gentle with measureless love. He is holding my child today. I feel joy to meet him soon. Also I saw the power of God who is redeeming people who fell into the deepest pit that we created. There is defiant HOPE. And HOPE belongs to God. But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish. (Psalm 9:15-18)
January 20, 2011
Jesus is beautiful. When Jesus invites us to himself, he offers peace to us. It is an amazing grace that he pours out his love to us when we surrender to him, not just once, but every time when we ask. He is not manipulative, or forceful. He offers it to us. His kindness leads us to repentance.  Like any other Christian, my life has been a living testimony of the words of God. God removed the turmoil and the storms of pain and gave me His peace when I surrendered to him rather than fight with him for my own justification. When God of peace dwells in us, it always chases away the despair from us. Then the joy of the Lord enthrone in our heart even in the dark and hopeless time. Jesus is beautiful.  
January 10, 2011
Once God decides the salvation for His children, he does not reverse it and no one can reverse it. God 's salvation never failed, never fails,and will never fail. Israel was the witness, disciples of Jesus were the witnesses, now we are the witnesses. God came down Himself, in human form, and accomplished the salvation for us. God never reversed what he decided to do concerning the salvation for his children. This promise is based on who God is,  It is encouragement for those who serve our Lord Jesus Christ faithfully. I, even I, am the LORD,    and apart from me there is no savior.  I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—    I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God.   Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand.   When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43: 11-13)
January 1, 2011
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Psalm 23
We live in a broken world with full of challenges, failures, and disappointments. As life continues, many unknowns lie before us that can weigh us down, inflicting wounds that often get buried or ignored. We have been created to thrive in our relationships with God, our family, our neighbors and ourselves. By knowing that God is our Good Shepherd, understanding the identity that we have as his precious sheep, we can find rest and healing in our souls. Through this humble book, Healing Through Psalm 23, may God comfort you who are suffering, who are in pain, who need forgiveness; may you know God, walk confidently and grow into the maturity of coming alongside others in their journey of healing.

About Hope Ministry

Yesterday Today Tomorrow is the program covers the current contemporary social issues in the light of our history to understand our yesterday to live fully today and tomorrow. Through the intense research and study, our program shares the message that helps us to think with rational and critical mind. When we dwell in the past, we can not live fully today, but when we forget the history, we repeat our painful history without being informed (paraphrased by Churchill). Please stay tune 960 The Patriot 5:30 every Saturday with Inseong Kim.

About Inseong Kim

Powerful Voice of the Generation

Inseong is the radio host, Yesterday Today Tomorrow, at 960 The Patriot KKNT and 1360 AM KPXQ and 10+ US radio stations WRN. She aired the pro-life program, In His Love, for 10 years. She is a communicator and journalist, radio host (bible teacher and journalist), artist, author, film executive producer and entrepreneur. Inseong studied Special Education at Ewha Women's University, and obtained an Actuarial Science Degree at Ohio State University and is currently being trained at Phoenix Seminary.  She is married to Steven, a dentist, for 35 years and has three beautiful children.

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Hope Ministry
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Phoenix, AZ 86086