Easter is a time of celebration for Christians worldwide as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The foundation of our Christian faith is rooted in his death on the cross, where he sacrificed himself to offer us salvation. Despite the hopelessness that followed his death, the power of God's love triumphed over death, and on that miraculous Sunday morning, everything changed.

Matthew 28:1-6 details the account of this incredible event. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb where Jesus's body had been placed. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared, causing a violent earthquake and rolling back the stone from the tomb. The guards were terrified and became like dead men. The angel reassured the women not to be afraid, for Jesus, who was crucified, had risen from the dead, just as he had promised.

During this joyous season, we invite you to reflect on the significance of Easter and the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Oneplace.com offers an inspiring collection of Easter sermons that can deepen your faith and help you appreciate the power of the resurrection.

Resurrection Sunday

Tune into The Grace Message as Dr. Andrew Farley celebrates how the Resurrection changes everything!

Explore more sermons from The Grace Message


Today we’ll bring you part one of pastor Al’s message for Easter. Jesus suffered a painful and humiliating death on a cross. But if the story ended there, where would we be? We’d still be condemned for our sins. But Jesus rose from the dead! Hallelujah to that!

Explore more sermons from Dwelling Place

Easter is for Everyone
Easter celebrates the day Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe, for people who owed a debt they couldn’t pay. And on this episode of A New Beginning, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn to share that message of hope with our friends and loved ones. It’s a strategic look at Easter and our calling!

Explore more sermons from A New Beginning

Resurrection - I Am with You Always
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
It's no secret that all of us will die in the end. Even Jesus died! And this makes His resurrection one of the most important aspects of His life and a source of incredible hope for us.

Explore more sermons from Telling the Truth for Women

“The Miracle of the Impossible” Acts 2:20-23

As we enter various marketplaces we find Easter eggs, Easter candy, Easter costumes and Easter decorations front and center. We are also surrounded by the wonderful color of springtime. What can make the Easter season even more wonderful is when we know what Easter really means. Easter is central to the life of Jesus Christ who was "accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs" (Acts 2:22).

God will do the miracle of the impossible in any person's life who will receive God's gift of life. The miracle of the impossible is still available to all who would receive it. "God raised Jesus from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him" (Acts 2:24).

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The Risen King, Part 1
Death could not hold this King. He is risen to reign. John tells us that he has given us this written record of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection for a specific purpose: that we may believe and have life in his name. Will you accept this offer of life in Jesus’ name?

Explore more sermons from Encounter the Truth

Easter Special

We can live about forty days without food, and about three days without water.  Eight minutes without air.  But we can’t live even a second without hope!  And we find the hope our hearts long for, in the resurrection of Christ.  Today we'll be in Luke chapter 24.  And pastor James will point out why the Resurrection is so important, and applies to even our everyday living and perspective.

Explore more sermons from Light on the Hill

Explaining Easter and Lent to Kids
Easter and Lent should be a big deal for believers and their families. How does one communicate the sober reality of Good Friday leading to the celebration of Easter and Lent Sunday with children? Sally Lloyd-Jones and Phil Vischer give examples of how and why to tell the whole Easter and Lent story to your children.

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Easter Means It's a New Day of Mercy - Part One
Mercy is undeserved forgiveness and unearned kindness—and it’s what God wants to give you. But most people don’t understand how merciful God really is. Join Pastor Rick as he looks to the Bible to help us understand how God’s mercy transforms lives.
Join Pastor Rick as he unpacks the answers to two questions: “When do I need God’s mercy in my life?” and “What difference does God’s mercy make?” Jesus’ ministry was all about mercy. In fact, he showed mercy to everyone. In this message, Pastor Rick shares stories of mercy from God’s Word and teaches how they relate to your life.

Explore more sermons from Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope

A Hope for Easter

Welcome to Easter Sunday at Preaching Christ Church! Pastor Chad is talking about Hope and how to have a Hope that is Present and Future in our lives!

Explore more sermons from Awakened to Grace

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