Thru the Bible

Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Genesis 44:25—45:28

June 24, 2021

The amazing story of Joseph continues as his identity is revealed and he invites his family to live with him in Egypt. Follow along as Dr. McGee reminds us that, like Joseph, we may not always see God’s hand in our lives, but we can trust He is present and working for our good.

References: Genesis 44:25

Featured Offer

Galatians Bible Companion
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.


Joseph’s brothers (that nearly killed him, and instead sold him into slavery) are back, and a family reunion is about to take place. Walk through these important pages of Scripture with Dr. McGee as he points out how Joseph’s heart and actions parallel those of Jesus Himself. 
June 23, 2021
The exciting story of Joseph and his brothers continues as Joseph (still unknown to them) demands his brothers go home and bring Benjamin back with them. Leaving Simeon behind as insurance they would return, the brothers arrive home and tell their father of the demand for Benjamin in return for food. Unsure, Jacob has no choice, because they are starving. 
June 22, 2021
The story of God’s providential hand in the life of Joseph continues as we see that he’s been fast tracked to leadership in Egypt. As Joseph leads the movement to store food in the cities, his personal life also expands with the birth of two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. As the famine begins, Jacob forces his sons to buy corn in Egypt. Joseph recognizes his brothers, but as they bow down, they do not recognize him. 
June 21, 2021
“Rags to riches” is how Dr. McGee describes this portion of our study. Last time we saw Joseph, he was still in prison. But as God’s hand continues to move in his life, Pharoah begins to have dreams, and none of his magicians or wise men can interpret them. Suddenly the butler remembers Joseph and tells Pharoah. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, tells him about the upcoming years of plenty vs. famine, and Joseph is made overseer of all Egypt.
June 18, 2021
Our story of Joseph continues in Pharaoh's prison, where his new cellmates are the baker and butler. Each has strange dreams that Joseph interprets. Although his interpretations prove correct, Joseph continues to languish in prison.
June 17, 2021
God’s plan and purpose for our lives isn’t always what we’d choose, but He is always faithful. That’s the lesson we’ll learn as we continue to follow the life of Joseph. We pick up as Joseph is sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharoah. While overseeing Potiphar’s house, Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce him. Although Joseph refuses, the woman covers up her own sin by framing Joseph. As our study closes, Joseph is thrown in jail. 
June 16, 2021
The Bible Bus takes a quick detour from the story of Joseph as we follow the line of Judah. Together we’ll hear more about Judah, his three children (Er, Onan, and Shelah), and meet Tamar, the chosen wife for Er who tricks Judah and gives birth to twins, Pharez and Zerah. It’s a tale of deceit and wickedness that serves as a warning to all of us today, but also a story of God’s redemption plan.
June 15, 2021
As the dramatic story of Joseph continues, he walks into a trap set by his brothers. Instead of killing him, they strip Joseph of his coat, throw him into a ditch, and sell him into slavery. What happens next? How do the brothers deceive Jacob into believing his favorite son is dead? 
June 14, 2021
The story shifts back to the family of Jacob as we learn more about his son, Joseph, who Dr. McGee tells us is more like Jesus than any other figure in the Bible. After Jacob gives Joseph a beautiful coat, his brothers conceive a plot to kill him. Travel with us as this tragic tale of jealousy, favoritism, and evil unfolds.
June 11, 2021
In our continuing study of Genesis, our focus shifts briefly from Jacob’s family to that of his twin brother, Esau. Esau is the father of the nation of Edom. He was a handsome man but lived by following his sinful human nature. Beginning with him, the Edomites become a large and proud nation. 
June 10, 2021
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Featured Offer

Galatians Bible Companion
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

About Thru the Bible

Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. You can begin the study at any time. When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible. 

Other Thru the Bible Programs:
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee
Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon
Thru the Bible International
A Través de la Biblia 

About Dr. J. Vernon McGee

John Vernon McGee was born in Hillsboro, Texas, in 1904. Dr. McGee remarked, "When I was born and the doctor gave me the customary whack, my mother said that I let out a yell that could be heard on all four borders of Texas!" His Creator well knew that he would need a powerful voice to deliver a powerful message.

After completing his education (including a Th.M. and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary), he and his wife came west, settling in Pasadena, California. Dr. McGee's greatest pastorate was at the historic Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles, where he served from 1949 to 1970.

He began teaching Thru the Bible in 1967. After retiring from the pastorate, he set up radio headquarters in Pasadena, and the radio ministry expanded rapidly. Listeners never seem to tire of Dr. J. Vernon McGee's unique brand of rubber-meets-the-road teaching, or his passion for teaching the whole Word of God.

On the morning of December 1, 1988, Dr. McGee fell asleep in his chair and quietly passed into the presence of his Savior.

Contact Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

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Thru The Bible Radio Network
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