No matter how long you have been married, there are areas that God wants to work on, improve, and alter so that He is more evident. As husbands the usual response is to forge into the image we think it should be, or a vague understanding of what God has made it to be. In today’s edition of Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson has given us a way to know for certain how the Lord desires our marriages to be: Dying to self. Jesus said if anyone wants to be His disciples we need to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow after Him. With more on how to walk in Harmony as Husbands, here is Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 5
October 16, 2018
When it comes to loving, leading, and living with our wives, it’s important to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Too often we forget what Solomon taught that a “Whisper can break a bone.” As continue our new series discussing the husband’s role in marriage, Pastor Jeff Johnson helps us to be aware of our footprints and impact in marriage. And while many men may minimize the impact we have on our families, the reality, we will discover is much different for good or bad. With more in our message titled, “
October 15, 2018
Marriage is a reflection of your relationship with the Lord. Far from God many times results in distance in marriage. When a spouse tries to have their proverbial walk with Jesus and still maintain their sin in the world, the end result is frustration, distance, and problems in marriage. In our time in Sound Doctrine today Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that God has created harmony in marriage, but it is through two people who are yielded to the Lord. As we begin our series titled, “To Walk in Harmony, the Husband” we begin to see how the responsibilities God has given to the husband play into the character and peace in marriage. With more on that let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 5 for today’s episode of Sound Doctrine.
October 12, 2018
When only one spouse will take responsibility for their marriage, it can make marriage difficult to say the least. But if both spouses know the Lord and will follow what God’s prescription is regarding God’s structure for their marriage, there is hope and joy. Pastor Jeff Johnson showing the necessity of husbands and wives both following God’s ways in marriage in Ephesians 5. As the husband and wife obey God’s word the curse will be reversed in marriage and God will continue to be glorified. With our final study titled, “Marriage and the Curse Part 2” here is Pastor Jeff Johnson for today’s study in Sound Doctrine.
October 11, 2018
Sometimes Christians act as if God expects us to simply follow what He says in marriage without giving us any help in the process. Just the opposite is true. The Bible tells us it is God who works in us to will and to do for His good pleasure. Pastor Jeff Johnson takes us further into the powerful truths from Ephesians as we understand the mechanics, if you will of how His Spirit and His Word work together to cause us to be the husbands and wives that can have marriage the way it is designed because our heavenly Designer is empowering us and filling us with His love. With more on that, we invite you to join us for our second installment of our study titled, “Marriage and the Curse - Part 2” in today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
October 10, 2018
Sometimes Christians act as if God expects us to simply follow what He says in marriage without giving us any help in the process. Just the opposite is true. The Bible tells us it is God who works in us to will and to do for His good pleasure. Pastor Jeff Johnson takes us further into the powerful truths from Ephesians as we understand the mechanics, if you will of how His Spirit and His Word work together to cause us to be the husbands and wives that can have marriage the way it is designed because our heavenly Designer is empowering us and filling us with His love. With more on that, we invite you to join us for our second installment of our study titled, “Marriage and the Curse - Part 2” in today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
October 9, 2018
When it comes to marriage there’s good news and bad news and good news again. The good news is that God has designed the perfect marriage. The bad news is that since the fall of mankind, marriage is impacted as well. But the best news is that even under those circumstances, Christ can elevate marriage from the bondage of sin and the curse. Pastor Jeff Johnson explains in our time in Ephesians as we learn the roles that God has not only called us to, but designed us for. More on that as we learn about Marriage and the Curse - Part 1 in our Monday edition of Sound Doctrine.
October 8, 2018
One of the most overlooked facts about the creation of man and woman is that when God first designed them the intention was to create them for one another. And God chose the best part and the best place from the man to create the woman. He chose the strongest substance from man to make woman. And yet the perfect recipe was marred by sin from the fall. As we look at how marriage has been impacted by the curse, Pastor Jeff gives us Biblical instruction on how to reverse the curse through Christ for marriage. Join us in Ephesians 5 for our study titled, “Marriage and the Curse” with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
October 5, 2018
Marriage has a problem. What was designed and created by God was soon plunged into problems due to the curse. And a national cynicism has overtaken marriage in recent years more than ever before. People are waiting to get married later and later. So how much does the curse impact marriage practically and what can be done about it? As we get into our study today in Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson delves into the Biblical origins, cause and effect of the curse, and what God has provided for believers to reverse the curse as well as experience the joy and fulfillment God originally intended. Join us as we look into Marriage and the Curse in Ephesians 5 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
October 4, 2018
When it comes to raising our children in the ways of the Lord, some lessons are taught, but some lessons are caught. And without the harmony in marriage between a husband and wife, it is a challenging proposition. When only one person is rowing the boat, you end up going in circles. As we dig a little deeper in Ephesians today, Pastor Jeff concludes the importance and benefits of the harmony in marriage, emphasizing the wife’s role today. Don’t forget to join us tomorrow as we look more into how to overcome challenges in marriage. For now, join us in Ephesians 5 for our study with Pastor Jeff in today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.
October 3, 2018