WEDNESDAY January 3, 2018

Lacking Salt and Light

But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. - 1 Corinthians 5:11

Paul referred to a third letter; it was not first or second Corinthians, but a letter that was lost. In that letter Paul gave a command not to associate with Christians in sin. However, we have to work with people in the world. We meet with non-believers at the gas station, stores, gym and some are our neighbors.  As Christians, we need to love and pray for them, but we do not need to fellowship with them. We do not have to go to their parties, or go out to eat with them, but it is up to us, we make the choice.

It could be that you are among non-believers so you can be a witness to them and lead them to Christ. But it is important to understand, those you are around need to see the difference in your life. Otherwise, they will think you are just like them. We live in a fallen world; so we need to be salt and light to everyone around us.

Many peoples’ problems and situations in the Church stem from the attitude of not seeing sin as sin––it is a big issue. No wonder there are no revivals. Christians are not the salt and light in the world! We have the answer for people in the world––Jesus, but we are not effective witnesses. So people in the world remain lost!

Many Christians have left their first love––Jesus. They need to return to their first love. We all need a change of attitude, heart and mind. It begins individually––with God.  Will you begin today?

If you can't shine, at least twinkle!
~Alistair Begg~

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