
Devotionals by Raul Ries

TUESDAY February 18, 2025

A Sincere Faith

Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.
1 Timothy 1:5-7

As different doctrines crept into the church, problems began to start. From within the church, not from outside the church, men made a declaration of erroneous doctrines which caused division. They were not preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sounding very convincing, false teachers used deceptive methods to teach a different gospel. Some believers were willfully accepting error. They became deceived by fables––stories––or genealogies that raised questions.

False teachers caused confusion in the minds and hearts of the people. They did not mind believers placing their trust and faith in Jesus Christ, so long as they included the necessary blood sacrifices of animals for their sin. These teachers were insincere. What were they really saying? According to them, the blood of Jesus Christ was not enough to take away sin, when the Scriptures clearly state: ...He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:26).

As a young minister, Timothy, called to be the pastor of the church of Ephesus, could not allow such error to be taught in the church. He needed to make sure Christian doctrine was taught correctly. Paul charged him to protect the church against any heresy––to speak the Word of God in truth. The Gospel was to be preached out of love with a pure heart and from a sincere faith. Timothy embodied this as a true believer.

Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses may knock on your door with a different gospel. They say they are Christians, but add to the Bible with their books and magazines. Do not be deceived by their doctrines. They will destroy your faith in Christ. I have found that it is impossible to become deceived by false teachers if you remain rooted and grounded in God’s Word. Do you make time to study the Word of God for yourself? Daily study God’s Word; it will keep you from error.

Our business is to study the Word of God and preach it as we find it.
~C.H. Spurgeon~

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About Somebody Loves You

'Somebody Loves You' program is designed to equip listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. 'Somebody Loves You' features Raul Ries' humorous, sensible and comprehensible teaching of God's Word.

About Raul Ries

Raul Ries is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs and President of Somebody Loves You Ministries. After his miraculous conversion in 1971, Raul began to read and study the Bible extensively even though he had a limited education. In 1974 he began a home Bible study with seven other committed individuals. Soon, he started to preach and counsel youth during the noon hour at his former high school, Baldwin Park High. Calvary Chapel West Covina grew out of Raul's home fellowship, as well as his Kung-Fu studio, and was soon meeting weekly at an old converted Safeway store. In 1993, the congregation moved to Diamond Bar and occupied a 101,000 square-foot corporate building on 28 acres. Calvary Chapel Golden Springs (as it is now called) draws between 10,000 - 12,000 in attendance weekly.

Author of several books, including Fury to Freedom (the story of his early life and dramatic conversion), Raul Ries has also produced three films: Fury to Freedom (feature film dramatization of the book); A Quiet Hope (a riveting and stirring documentary detailing seven soldier's accounts of the Vietnam War and its aftermath); and A Venture in Faith (a documentary of the history of the Calvary Chapel movement).

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Somebody Loves You Radio
P.O. Box 4440
Diamond Bar, CA 91765

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