Step Down Your Expectations
Ok, stepfamilies. It’s time to step down…your expectations, I mean.
“Why won’t my son ask his stepfather for help with his math?” one mom asked me. This mom wanted her son to feel comfortable with Tim, so she kept pressuring them to get along. But pressure often backfires. One key step for stepfamilies is to step down your expectations. No, you don't give up. Just realize that family integration takes years and pressure doesn’t help. Accept and appreciate relationships as they are today makes for a more relaxed home which, ironically, helps people become family.
Featured Offer
Blended & Blessed® is a one-day live event and livestream just for stepfamily couples, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families.

Featured Offer
Blended & Blessed® is a one-day live event and livestream just for stepfamily couples, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families.
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About Ron L. Deal
Contact FamilyLife Blended® with Ron L. Deal
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Orlando FL 32832