FamilyLife Blended®

Ron L. Deal

Love Associations

April 9, 2018

What do you do when your love associations differ?


One way to define what love looks like is by love associations. I created this phrase to describe the qualities or behaviors associated with love. Sometimes they differ. A stepchild may love their stepparent, but not respect their authority like they do a biological parent. A stepparent may love all the children the same, but still find it awkward to hug their stepchild. When love associations collide, you get conflict. Don’t let this defeat you. It takes a while to merge definitions of love.

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Have you ever gotten tired of waiting on God? I know I have.   The Bible tells us Sarah got tired of waiting for the child God had promised so she gave her maidservant, Hagar to her husband, Abraham, thinking they could have a child that way. All she did was create a stepfamily with a lot of competition, jealousy, and resentment. Being impatient with God and taking control is never a good idea. It usually causes trouble. Me? I hate waiting. But trusting God’s timing means he’s in control and I’m his servant and that's a good thing for both me and my family.
April 6, 2018
Okay, listen up. I really want you to hear this. Grace connects, but possessiveness divides.   The essential story of a stepfamily is someone leaving and someone joining the family. When this happens even under the best of circumstances, parents and kids feel insecure and that temps us to become possessive of people or circumstances which creates division and conflict. What brings peace is a spirit of grace—especially toward people you don’t know well. Stepchildren to stepparents; stepsibling to stepsibling; former wife to new wife. Grace you have been given. Grace freely give.
April 5, 2018
Kids, where do you put a stepparent in your heart?   Finding a place that doesn’t hurt Mom or Dad is tough. Dena could tell her stepdaughter felt disloyal to her mother and was paying an emotional price for liking her, so Dena gave her stepdaughter permission to let go of her. It was an act of love. My friend Laura Petherbridge says sometimes stepparents need to let go of the role they want to play and embrace the role they can play. Being used by God in strategic ways to bless a child—even if it doesn’t fulfill your dream—is a noble ministry.
April 4, 2018
In marriage, is “separate” ever okay?   A consumer magazine offered this financial advice. “Consider separate accounts for your expenses that are all your own.” They were talking to blended family couples and encouraging separate bank accounts. But that creates a trust issue doesn’t it? One man said, “I thought the point of marriage was oneness. How can couples become one if they keep their money separate?” Stepfamily finances are tricky. Consider all the factors, consult with a financial planner, and make a decision together.
April 3, 2018
You’ve heard me say it before, “As parents united you stand, but divided they fall.”   Parents who are united in their parenting approach provide more stability and consistency in their home. But, practically, how do you get on the same page if you have different parenting styles? Well, go to a class. Read a book. What has influenced you as a parent? What are your thoughts about discipline, punishment, and encouragement? Write it down so you can be clear. Then share that with your spouse and merge your ideas from there. It’ll take some work, but your kids are worth it.
April 2, 2018
Does my service to God really make a difference?   In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul encouraged the Christians: “…give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (NIV). But how could he say that? Paul roots his statement in the resurrection of Christ. Just as all seemed to be lost—but wasn’t—and just as Christ’s body was broken—but then transformed—someday the significance of our work will be realized and our bodies will be changed from mortal to immortal. Be encouraged this Easter weekend!
March 30, 2018
Hey Ron, it just occurred to me: I live in a stepfamily, too.   The latest came from a woman who was born to her married parents, but each of her parents had been married before and brought kids to the marriage. So she lived in a stepfamily. The cool thing is she was in her 40s and once she connected the dots, what we had talked about helped her make sense of her childhood and her extended family today. Blended families are very common. Forty percent of married couples with kids are stepfamilies and one third of Americans are connected to a blended family.
March 29, 2018
You know what DTR is, right? Define the relationship. Well, it’s not just a concept for dating couples.   When a relationship is just beginning defining it can help both sides understand and clarify expectations. Stepparents tell your stepkids you are not trying to replace their biological parent and you respect the special place that parent has in their life. This helps kids relax. Suggest that if they ever feel caught between you and their biological parent they can tell you and you won’t take it personally. Bottom line: you know where you fit and they can love their biological parent freely.  
March 28, 2018
Believe it or not, sometimes it’s best not to love best.   Millions have read The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman where he teaches how to best love others by knowing their primary love language. Here’s some wisdom for blended families: if you’re a stepparent and you know your child’s primary love language, it doesn’t mean you should speak it. It’s best to begin with Acts of Service, then Gifts, Words of Affirmation, and then Quality Time and Physical Touch. Progress from the least intrusive language to the most intimate. Watch love come alive.
March 27, 2018
Sometimes in parenting, one parent is a lot more serious about godliness than the other.   When parents agree to live by and teach God’s statues for godliness, children see a consistent message. But sometimes parents don’t see eye to eye and kids get confused. This can happen with a married couple or to parents living in separate homes. Either way, the task for the parent with the higher standard is to be intentional about what you teach and model because both the child and the other parent are watching. Trust God to convict their hearts while you let your light shine brightly.
March 26, 2018
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FamilyLife Blended® provides  biblically-based resources that help prevent re-divorce, strengthen stepfamilies, and help break the generational cycle of divorce.

About Ron L. Deal

Ron L. Deal is the Director of blended family ministries at FamilyLife®, and is the author/coauthor of the books The Smart StepfamilyThe Smart Stepdad, The Smart Stepmom, Dating and the Single Parent, and The Remarriage Checkup. Ron voices the FamilyLife Blended short feature and is one of the most widely read authors on stepfamily living in the country. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist who frequently appears in the national media, including FamilyLife Today® and Focus on the Family, and he conducts marriage and family seminars around the countryRon and his wife, Nan, have been married since 1986 and have three boys.

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