Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

The Hidden Network with Gary Kah

October 30, 2010
Gary Kah and Jan discuss a "hidden network" that really directs the current administration and had today's scenario planned decades ago; the importance of Christians balancing political activism with their walk with the Lord; a projected backlash against Jews, particularly in America; why the balance of 2010 is so critical; the weakness of the church in America's critical hour with a defense of pastors who feel called to first preach the gospel and enter the "issues arena" second or not at all, and much more. Kah is one of our "Understanding the Times 2010" speakers. www.garykah.org

Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.


Dr. Michael Coffman and Jan continue the theme of hour 1, playing off of his new book, "Rescuing a Broken America." They take a closer look at the movers and shakers that are bringing America down: Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, Jean Rousseau, and more. There is a worldview war going on and it affects both liberals and conservatives; both Democrats and Republicans. In the 1960s, Cloward and Piven came up with a plan to overwhelm the American system and cause the nation to collapse. That is the primary road map being utilized today by the socialists in high places in America. They emphasize the importance of the "lame duck" session after the November election and into January 2011. The planned mayhem coming from the Left for those few months is staggering. Repealing some of the current and planned destruction is possible. Learn how. www.rescuingamericabook.com
October 23, 2010
Twila Brase and Jan take a look at Obama's pick to run Medicare/Medicaid, another avowed Socialist. How will he cause that and other programs to play out? Already ObamaCare rules and regulations are appearing. There is a hopeful element in that the entire bill could be repealed after the 2012 election. Brase has just addressed some in Congress on her concerns. She is recognized as one of the top 20 making a difference, trying to restore our freedoms by pushing for the repeal of this outrage. The lifestyle of every American is at stake, not just the retired. Brase heads "The Citizens Council on Health Care. www.healthcarefreedom.us
October 16, 2010
Dr. Jobe Martin has a delightful testimony which he calls "the evolution of a creationist." Even after he became a Christian, he hung onto evolution. Yet today he is sounding the alarm that evolution in our schools and universities is creating a disaster in the lives of young people just as his life was a disaster until he became a Christian and dumped evolution. And that didn't happen instantaneously. Jobe and Jan also talk general science such as the age of dinosaurs, old earth vs young earth, global flood vs local flood, and much more. The hour is both educational and entertaining. Take a break from bad news! www.evolutionofacreationist.com www.biblicaldiscipleship.org
October 9, 2010
Jan adds live, up-to-date commentary on issues presented by Kamal Saleem from June 19. Issues include the Ground Zero Mosque, Islamic infiltration, Kamal's remarkable testimony as a former jihadist, and his warnings to America. We carry Kamal's testimony and other comments on the Caryl Matrisciana DVD "Islam Rising" found here. www.koomeministries.com
October 2, 2010
Jan's guests say Christianity has been hijacked. They include singer Marty Goetz, Chris Heeb and Larry Kutzler. Heeb and Kutzler introduce the new DVD they produced, Israel, the Missing Piece: The Hebraic Foundation of Christianity. Christianity has Jewish roots. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. But the church is not connecting the dots and the people in the pews understand very little about the Jewishness of Jesus and about their very own faith. Replacement Theology plays a huge role in the confusion today. Heeb heads the oldest Jewish evangelism agency in America: Good News for Israel. Olive Tree carries the DVD and it is found here. Jan has a short appearance in the film and Marty Goetz plays a more major role, along with another dozen Jewish believers. www.gnfi.org www.martygoetz.com
September 25, 2010
Dr. Cal Beisner and Jan consider the agenda of the environmental movement. This movement targeted conservative and evangelical churches 15 years ago and now we see that playing out. Beisner answers the question about what has happened to the oil in the Gulf? Beisner's organization has started a program called Resisting the Green Dragon which cautions churches about the environmentalism agenda coming to most churches. Why have evangelicals fallen for this? From the Evangelical Environmental Network, to the Evangelical Climate Initiative, to the National Association of Evangelicals, all have taken the bait and they all believe the climate-agenda lie. Why do conservative Christians not understand that the ecological problem is the result of sin and a fallen planet and only Christ's return will cure the problem? Learn much more at www.cornwallalliance.org www.ecalvinbeisner.com www.resistingthegreendragon.com
September 18, 2010
Carl Teichrib is Jan's guest. He was an "observer" at the "G8 World Religions Summit" in Winnipeg in late June. Even evangelicals gathered there to praise "mother earth," invoke spirits, and focus on "social justice." The formation of the "one-world religion" is shaping up, although none of the participants see it. Teichrib gives stunning illustrations of the unity around paganism he observed. Even humanism was celebrated at the event. This is more proof that the hour is late and the end-time players are aligning. www.forcingchange.org
September 11, 2010
Jim Fletcher and Jan dialogue about the importance of Bible prophecy in spite of the fact that it has fallen from favor. Why has most of the church abandoned the topic as well as favor for Israel? The Palestinian cause is now more prominent than support for Israel and the Jewish people. It does not help to have prominent false teachers such as Brian McLaren, Emergent guru, bashing Israel and eschatology. The so-called "Bible Answerman," Hank Hannegraaff, has also caused wreckage as well as his frequent guest, Stephen Sizer. Not only is Israel shunned; her friends are as well. www.prophecymatters.com
September 4, 2010
Jim Fletcher and Jan dialogue about the importance of Bible prophecy in spite of the fact that it has fallen from favor. Why has most of the church abandoned the topic as well as favor for Israel? The Palestinian cause is now more prominent than support for Israel and the Jewish people. It does not help to have prominent false teachers such as Brian McLaren, Emergent guru, bashing Israel and eschatology. The so-called "Bible Answerman," Hank Hannegraaff, has also caused wreckage as well as his frequent guest, Stephen Sizer. Not only is Israel shunned; her friends are as well. www.prophecymatters.com
September 4, 2010
Dr. Gary Cass and Jan report on the arrest of Christians in Dearborn, MI, the effort to silence Christians in America, how Elena Kagan will affect our Supreme Court,Comedy Central's attempt to blaspheme Jesus (although advertisers are all pulling out on this production,) Obama's broken promises on abortion, and more. For Obama's plans to work, the "watchmen" must be silenced and free speech has to go. www.defendchristians.org
August 28, 2010
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Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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