Understanding the Times

Jan Markell

The Agenda of the Environmental movement

September 18, 2010
Dr. Cal Beisner and Jan consider the agenda of the environmental movement. This movement targeted conservative and evangelical churches 15 years ago and now we see that playing out. Beisner answers the question about what has happened to the oil in the Gulf? Beisner's organization has started a program called Resisting the Green Dragon which cautions churches about the environmentalism agenda coming to most churches. Why have evangelicals fallen for this? From the Evangelical Environmental Network, to the Evangelical Climate Initiative, to the National Association of Evangelicals, all have taken the bait and they all believe the climate-agenda lie. Why do conservative Christians not understand that the ecological problem is the result of sin and a fallen planet and only Christ's return will cure the problem? Learn much more at www.cornwallalliance.org www.ecalvinbeisner.com www.resistingthegreendragon.com

Featured Offer

Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.


Carl Teichrib is Jan's guest. He was an "observer" at the "G8 World Religions Summit" in Winnipeg in late June. Even evangelicals gathered there to praise "mother earth," invoke spirits, and focus on "social justice." The formation of the "one-world religion" is shaping up, although none of the participants see it. Teichrib gives stunning illustrations of the unity around paganism he observed. Even humanism was celebrated at the event. This is more proof that the hour is late and the end-time players are aligning. www.forcingchange.org
September 11, 2010
Jim Fletcher and Jan dialogue about the importance of Bible prophecy in spite of the fact that it has fallen from favor. Why has most of the church abandoned the topic as well as favor for Israel? The Palestinian cause is now more prominent than support for Israel and the Jewish people. It does not help to have prominent false teachers such as Brian McLaren, Emergent guru, bashing Israel and eschatology. The so-called "Bible Answerman," Hank Hannegraaff, has also caused wreckage as well as his frequent guest, Stephen Sizer. Not only is Israel shunned; her friends are as well. www.prophecymatters.com
September 4, 2010
Jim Fletcher and Jan dialogue about the importance of Bible prophecy in spite of the fact that it has fallen from favor. Why has most of the church abandoned the topic as well as favor for Israel? The Palestinian cause is now more prominent than support for Israel and the Jewish people. It does not help to have prominent false teachers such as Brian McLaren, Emergent guru, bashing Israel and eschatology. The so-called "Bible Answerman," Hank Hannegraaff, has also caused wreckage as well as his frequent guest, Stephen Sizer. Not only is Israel shunned; her friends are as well. www.prophecymatters.com
September 4, 2010
Dr. Gary Cass and Jan report on the arrest of Christians in Dearborn, MI, the effort to silence Christians in America, how Elena Kagan will affect our Supreme Court,Comedy Central's attempt to blaspheme Jesus (although advertisers are all pulling out on this production,) Obama's broken promises on abortion, and more. For Obama's plans to work, the "watchmen" must be silenced and free speech has to go. www.defendchristians.org
August 28, 2010
Rich Christiano joins Jan to talk about those pesky little UFOs. Should Christians take this seriously? Yes! Christiano has produced a film about the subject -- a film good for spreading the gospel. He believes, as does this ministry, that these UFOs are demonic manifestations due to the lateness of the hour. After the Rapture, the world will say that these objects took people away and good riddance.  www.unidentifiedthemovie.com www.christianmovies.com
August 21, 2010
John Terry, Christian financial analyst, talks with Jan about the disastrous and pending "Cap and Trade" bill, the cost to individual Americans due to ObamaCare, the economic domino effect that began with Greece, the planned destruction of the U.S. economy, the mysterious drop in the Dow earlier this month, and much more. www.revelationfiles.com
August 14, 2010
Pastor Ron Leonard is a pastor to our troops. He gives an overview of issues and problems unique to the last few years as it concerns our men and women in the military. He also gives an excellent explanation and analysis of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the serious hit it will take on the military. Contact for Leonard is inchristalone2004 @ yahoo.com He also recommends this Web site: www.cmfhq.org. That is the site for the Christian Military Fellowship.
August 7, 2010
Pastor Bob DeWaay says that the church-growth movement is driving the gospel out of our churches. The church-growth crowd believes the church exists for unbelievers and thus they encourage pastors to make their churches "comfortable" for them, but then they become extremely uncomfortable for true believers. They reference the leaders of the church-growth movement including Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, and others. DeWaay also responds to Pastor John Piper's invitation to Rick Warren at Piper's fall conference. How do today's churches compare to the early church of Bible times?  www.twincityfellowship.com www.cicministry.org
July 31, 2010
John Loeffler from Steel on Steel returns to talk about the forthcoming stranglehold the FCC wants to place on the Internet and talk/conservative radio. The FCC has declared themselves the new controller of the Internet now. They also get into economy issues and show how America could become Greece in 1-2 years. And just how stifling is "cap and trade" going to be? How does the oil leak fit into this? Is the church ready to pick up the pieces of America as she is further weakened? The password and username at Loeffler's radio site for you to use free for 40 days is markell (all lower case). www.steelonsteel.com
July 24, 2010
Bill Koenig returns to the program. He is just one of a few Christian correspondents in the White House Press Corps. He gives us his take on all that is happening, from a biblical perspective. Among the many topics include the Gulf oil leak, the Gaza controversy, and his open door to many key leaders under Obama.www.watch.org
July 17, 2010
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Discovering Daniel – Amir Tsarfati
This book reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

About Understanding the Times

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world.


About Jan Markell

Jan Markell is a popular author and speaker across North America. She has written 8 major books and has hosted the largest prophecy and apologetics’ conference in North America. She began on radio in 2001 and now is heard on almost 900 radio stations with a large electronic audience as well. She founded Olive Tree Ministries in the early 1980s.

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