The longer you are married, the more you are in tune with your spouse’s thinking and lifestyle. It begins when you notice you finish each other’s sentences. The longer you’re married, the more you also end up finishing each other’s meals. It’s part of intimacy. Pastor Jeff Johnson shares on Sound Doctrine that Life in the Spirit involves knowing the mind of Christ, thinking as Jesus, and bringing all our thoughts motives in submission to Him. With our final study titled, “Life in the Spirit - Part 2” here is Pastor Jeff Johnson in Ephesians 5.
September 20, 2018
When it comes to walking in the Spirit, it is by definition something that doesn’t come naturally to us. So when we read the commands in Scripture of how to follow the Lord, how to die to self, and we look to our emotions or feelings to gain confidence or believe we can obey, we are looking to the wrong source. However, on today’s edition of Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson gives us great Biblical support to show how God’s Spirit is able to help us to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Join us today in Ephesians 5 for our study titled, “Life in the Spirit - Part 2”.
September 19, 2018
The Bible says to train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are older they will not depart from it. The lessons of parenting is unique. Some lessons are taught and some are caught. As we continue our studies in this powerful book of Ephesians, Pastor Jeff is continuing a series on Life in the Spirit. As we look at part 2 in our series we notice how much of the by-products of being filled with the Holy Spirit involve music, worship, and psalms, both inwardly and outwardly. Pastor Jeff Johnson gives highlights some constructive direction as to how we can make that possible in our lives and the lives of our families. Let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 5 for our time of learning Life in the Spirit through Sound Doctrine.
September 18, 2018
In order for us to maintain a healthy body, the age-old recipe of balanced diet, sleep, and exercise is integral. The same is true when it comes to maintaining a spiritually healthy walk. A balanced diet of being in the word, fellowship, worship, and prayer are necessary. Yet too many times we treat our walk like they are components that we can manipulate or skip and expect the same results. In today’s edition of Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows how many of us need to get back to the “heart of worship” to borrow a popular song title. Allow this to be a spiritual check up as you assess your health in the Lord. With our study titled, “Life in the Spirit” here now is Pastor Jeff.
September 17, 2018
Rivers of water flowing through the believer speaks of God’s Spirit actively working in and through us. So when was the last time you were led by God’s Spirit, allowed Him to speak through you, to actively be a part of serving the LORD? Too many times we grow accustomed to stale water when Jesus wants to give us something that will be dynamic, active, and overflowing to others. As we listen in on our study in Sound Doctrine today, Pastor Jeff details what the Life in the Spirit looks like at work, at home, and more. And then shows us the ways in which we are able to keep ourselves living the life in the Spirit. With more on that, join us for our study in Ephesians 5 titled, “Life in the Spirit” with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
September 14, 2018
Is it possible to be a Christian without experiencing life walking in God’s Spirit? It’s not simply a hypothetical question, but a practical one. However the church is experiencing a time in her history where any mention of the way in which the Holy Spirit works is filled with anything from fear to suspicion. That’s why in today’s edition of Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson offers a sound and balanced Biblical perspective regarding the activity of God’s Spirit in our lives. So, we encourage you to grab your Bible and turn to Ephesians 5 for our study titled, “Life in the Spirit” with Sound Doctrine.
September 13, 2018
Have you ever run out of gas? Ever drink from a cup with a hole in it? Sure, it’s a bit of a basic analogy, but it also clearly illustrates the phenomenon that believers experience on a daily basis when it comes to the need to be filled with God’s Spirit again. The reason why? Because we run dry. Because we leak. In today’s final study in Sound Doctrine of our message titled, “Being Filled with the Holy Spirit,” Pastor Jeff Johnson helps us to see that God always intended for us to continually come to Him to be filled over and over and over again. We can’t begin in the Spirit and then become perfected in our flesh. More on that as we begin our study in Ephesians 5 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
September 12, 2018
A peace which the world can’t give. And the world can’t take away. That’s the claim Pastor Jeff makes regarding the myriad ways that man attempts to have his emptiness filled on his own. Is it possible that God has been whispering at the end of the road of man’s failed attempts at peace? Is it possible that God offers freely what humanity has paid innumerable amounts of time, effort, and money for? In our second installment of “Being Filled with the Holy Spirit,” Pastor Jeff maintains that which we have longed for more than anything else God has always offered only through Jesus Christ. With more on our study in Ephesians 5, here is Pastor Jeff Johnson with today’s study in Sound Doctrine.
September 11, 2018
We live in challenging times. Modern medicine tells us that the root of more and more illnesses are attributed to stress than any other major cause. So when we hear a topic on being filled with the Holy Spirit the responses vary from unbelief that it is possible to experience that peace and leading to an unwillingness to surrender to the Lord what He requires. Pastor Jeff shows how the opposite is a life on a downward spiral that God never intends us to experience. With our first installment of our study titled, “Being Filled with the Holy Spirit,” in Ephesians 5, here is Pastor Jeff Johnson
September 10, 2018
The Bible tells us to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard lest we drift away. When we are not continually giving ourselves and our commitment to Jesus, and being renewed in our minds, we will discover that drifting happens is the inevitable consequence. In our final study on “Knowing God’s will and Wisdom,” Pastor Jeff shows us the importance of stoking the fire of devotion even more as we understand the times that we are living in. With our final commands of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5, here is Pastor Jeff with today’s message in Sound Doctrine.
September 7, 2018