Like it or not, but there are times when pain is actually used to purify. While we choose to seek a lifestyle of ease and comfort, God will often sacrifice our comfort to improve our character. As we begin to look at the trials that the disciples went through we recognize that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. Pastor Jeff continues to glean valuable spiritual principles from the discipline of God to those whom He loves. It gives comfort to know that the difficulties we experience are not for nothing in the Lord’s economy. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
September 13, 2019
Two of the most common responses to God’s discipline is to be discouraged or to despise it. As we have been looking at the discipline of some members in the early church, we notice what Satan intended to do through them, and what God ultimately did with the fellowship through this. It’s an object lesson to all believers to walk in the fear of the Lord, but also to be aware of the tactics of the enemy of our souls. Pastor Jeff concludes our series by helping us to see his endgame for each believer. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
September 12, 2019
The Bible says that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. As we continue our studies in the book of Acts we see that taking place then and still taking place now. Pastor Jeff shares how God is looking for quality which allows Him to reveal His strength towards them and then He will bring the quantity. But compromise will always weaken what God wants to do. He is still looking for those who will completely surrender to Him. With our second installment of the study titled, “Discipline Brings Purity and Power,” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
September 11, 2019
Being a believer in the early church gave the Christians front row views to an incredible moving of God’s Spirit. From watching the lame being restored and walking to hypocrites being disciplined, all the believers grew to possess a fear of the Lord. In a similar way, Pastor Jeff says helps us to stay away from things we shouldn’t be doing. Obedience should be on the forefront of our hearts. Nothing weakens the church’s power and witness like a carnal witness. And as we walk in the fear of the Lord ourselves, we too will experience the transformative power of God as believers collectively. With more on this, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
September 10, 2019
Hypocrisy is a double-edged sword. The moment we use it to describe someone else’s behavior, we immediately need to cut ourselves by the same measure. And as we examine the swift discipline upon Ananias and Saphira for their hypocrisy, Pastor Jeff reminds us that Jesus desires purity in His body of believers. When the church walks in purity, the church walks in power. He also mentions that God’s blasting comes before God’s blessings reveal themselves. These wake-up calls that God ordains bring Him glory in the church. With more on our final study titled, “First Hypocrisy in the Church,” let’s open up to Acts 5 with Pastor Jeff.
September 9, 2019
The first time a parent disciplines a child, scenes of their own childhood discipline experience, usually flash through their minds. The phrase, “This will hurt me, more than it will hurt you,” make more sense now as the parent. In a similar way, Pastor Jeff shows how God is willing to discipline His children when sin is present. And yet for many believers, in the midst of the discipline is God’s desire to see His children grow through those experiences and bear fruit to those who have been trained by it. We offer the study titled, “First Hypocrisy in the Church,” in Acts 5 for an insightful time in Sound Doctrine.
September 6, 2019
Harmful substances come with a warning from the Surgeon General stating that they are hazardous to your health. God, the Great Physician cautions us that sin is hazardous to our health as well. Discontentment, greed, and deception were apart of many infamous figures in the Bible. Pastor Jeff shares cautionary tales from both Achan and Ananias and Sapphira to show how greed can lead from one sin to another and pierce believers through with many sorrows. We continue to look at the downfall of Ananias and Sapphira in our study today. So join us in Acts 5 with Pastor Jeff.
September 5, 2019
The story of Pinocchio introduced the world to a wooden figure who wanted to be a real boy, and the adventures that desire led him through. Though he had no strings, yet he found himself in the grip of the evil Stromboli. In a similar way we discover that Satan was pulling the strings of carnality in Ananias and Sapphira within the very walls of the church. Pastor Jeff shows the many ways he attempts to bring all believers down through similar methods. With our study titled, “The Enemy Within,” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
September 4, 2019
Nature abhors a vacuum. When we walk in the Spirit, we will experience the joy and liberty that God has given to us in Jesus Christ. But when we fail to be filled with God’s Spirit, we will inevitably walk in legalism, a mere shell of what God intends for us. Pastor Jeff is showing how we can become our own worst enemies like Ananias and Sapphira by pretending to be religious and walking with the Lord, when in reality we are walking in the flesh. He reveals how that robs the church of her testimony to the world when we try to do in our own flesh, what God can only accomplish by His Spirit. With more on our study titled, “The Enemy Within,” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 5 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
September 3, 2019
If you’ve ever heard the phrase your own worst enemy, then you know that it means that a person has created most of their problems that come along in their life, due to their character. That was never more true than with the people you will learn about in our study today. Pastor Jeff takes teaches us important lessons when Satan tried to go to church. He says that his greatest weapon is deception. There are many important truths that we must take to heart in our warfare against the enemy of our souls. We find ourselves in Acts 5 for the message titled, “The Enemy Within,” for our time in Sound Doctrine...with Pastor Jeff
September 2, 2019