THURSDAY November 2, 2017

Be Faithful

 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. - 1 Corinthians 4:2

Paul wanted the believers in Corinth to understand that, as a servant––an under rower, and a steward––a house manager, they would need to be obedient to God in the oversight of the small things He had given to them.  Then, God could make them a steward over greater things.

Faithfulness is found all the way through the Scriptures. Underline this one word in 1 Corinthians 4:2––faithful. In the Old King James it means trustworthy. Can you be trusted with whatever God gives to you? As stewards in the kingdom of God, if you are married, think of the responsibility as a husband you have to your wife and your children. If you are a grandfather, you have the responsibility to be an example to your grandchildren.

A servant of God has such a big responsibility to lead other people by their example––to much is given, much more is required. You can only lead people as far as God has taken you––bottom line. Remember that one day we are going to have to give an account for our wives, children, bank accounts, and for all God has given to us. So it is really important, in the sight of the Lord, to manage all He has given us the best way we can, because we shall have to give an answer to God.

As a servant of God, memorize this important principle: if you are faithful in the small things, God will make you a steward over bigger things. It is really important as a servant to learn how to lead faithfully. Remember, God calls us, and He opens and closes the doors. He is the one who promotes, and He is the one who takes down. Galatians 5:22 tells us: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness… So be faithful in what He has called you do.

Fruit that is never out of season: faithfulness
~John Maxwell~

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