WEDNESDAY May 22, 2024

Measured Grace

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
Ephesians 4:7

We have before us a tremendous lesson. God has different vessels––different people with various gifting according to His grace. Let me explain: When a person repents and receives God’s grace, they may begin to see that other people are serving in a capacity that they are unable to do. For instance, they do not have the same kind of leadership or administrative skills. Perhaps you feel cheated in your area of gifting.

Listen, God gives His grace according to His will. Everyone does not possess the same grace. Where do you get your doctrine from? This verse! God gives a measure of His grace to people according to His will for their spiritual gifting. There are certain things you can do that I cannot do. We are not to try to mold and shape people’s lives. God is the one who molds and shapes people’s lives––not us.

Christ is the giver of our spiritual gifts. As Christians, we are given these gifts so they can be used in the Kingdom of God. Christ’s gifts are given to us for His purpose. When you use your gifts for God’s glory, it brings joy into your life. Your gifting fills you with purpose in the body of Christ. Therefore, these gifts should not remain dormant. They are to be discovered and sharpened and used.

Where are the gifts listed in the Bible? They are found in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and Ephesians 4:11-13. There are 21 different spiritual gifts, but they are given to individual believers as God wills. When you discover your spiritual gifts, step out by faith and use them in the body of Christ.

...there are diversities of gifts, but it is the same Spirit; and thus, they should not be pitted against one another. We should be united in our effort to bring people into the kingdom of God and out of the kingdom of darkness.
~Chuck Smith~

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