FRIDAY June 1, 2018

All Part of the Body of Christ

If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body?
1 Corinthians 12:15-16

Paul made a very clear statement to the Corinthians about the different functions of the members of the body of Christ. He used the illustration of a human body, to help them understand that a body could not function without all the body parts working together. It is the same in the Church––you cannot have a successful ministry through which God can work unless all the parts are working together in harmony. 

Think about how every part of your body is needed.  Even though the toe is in darkness most of the time, you cannot walk without it; you have no balance without that stinky toe––seriously. The ear is another important part of the body. Without the ear, you would not be able to hear, and you would have to learn sign language to communicate. We need our ears to hear, eyes to see, nose to smell, toes to walk, and fingers to touch and move. If any part of the body is missing, the body becomes defective; it cannot function as it should.

Paul used all these examples so that believers would see how every part of the body is necessary and important. We fit together perfectly to make up the body of Christ.  God places all the parts together for the benefit of the body––the Church. Each person should know their spiritual gifts and where they belong in the body of Christ.

Understand that the head of the body is Christ, and He, through the body, brings glory and honor to God, as He builds His kingdom––that is the key.

When the individual believers in a church know their gifts, accept them
by faith, and use them for God’s glory,
then God can bless in a wonderful way.
~Warren Wiersbe~

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