Richard Ellis Talks

Richard Ellis

Get Across

April 6, 2012
God is always working, even when we can’t see it.  He is working on the hearts of those who are lost while at the same time He is working on the hearts of His followers to go out and help the lost get found.  When we choose to ignore His leading in our lives to share the Gospel message with those around us no matter how uncomfortable it might get, our sin can be detrimental to their souls.  Jesus gave up His life so that we may be made whole to live forever with Him.  He calls us to take up our own cross, get out of our comfort zone and share the message of salvation with others.  What are you willing to give up in order to do that?

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Let Us Pray For You!
We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"


The Easter story is centered on Christ’s resurrection from the dead, but just as many struggle to believe it now even the disciples struggled to believe it then.  Jesus appeared to them, showing himself in his fully resurrected body, and they still had to have it explained to them about how the prophecies were fulfilled in this.  Jesus says that those who do not see him yet still believe are blessed because God has given them the gift of faith to believe.  When you believe that Christ not only died for you but also was resurrected into new life that you will share with him one day you should be proclaiming that message to anyone and everyone you encounter because it very well could change their lives as well.
April 5, 2012
It seems as though the days set aside in our country to remember and honor those who have given their lives for our freedom have become just a holiday to anyone who has never personally known someone lost in battle.  In the same way, unless you personally know Jesus and have accepted His death as payment for your own sins, Good Friday and Easter are just holidays.  Though you may think it is too simple to only have to call on the name of Jesus to be saved, that is the Good News, the Gospel.  And it may be simple for you, but it cost Jesus everything.  Through His sacrifice He conquered death, and it is because of His resurrection that He can also offer us eternal life with Him forever.
April 4, 2012
When Jesus was on earth, He was accused of being Beelzebub, “Lord of the flies,” also known as the devil.  The truth is that Jesus is Lord of everything, even the flies.  He put up with so much for us, even to the point of death when it was the flies that were circling His body on the cross.  What will it take for us to proclaim that Jesus is Lord of our lives?  We may not understand everything and we may come across some doubts, but Jesus said that it is blessed for those who do not see Him and yet still believe.  No matter what we go through in this life, it is worth more than anything to claim Him as Lord over it all.
April 3, 2012
Every believer needs to realize that they are in a battle, in the cross hairs with the attacks of the devil.  When God is using you to reach others, the devil will do anything he can to stop that.  We see in the story of Job in regards to his wife how crucial it is that we examine ourselves to make sure that we are not being used by the devil as a detriment to someone else.  In the story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness we can learn in importance of knowing Scripture to combat attacks.  The reality is that we will be attacked.  We must learn to protect ourselves by putting on the full armor of God because fighting on His side is worth it.
April 2, 2012
True Colors
April 1, 2012
The Final Foe
March 30, 2012
Wine & Dine
March 29, 2012
There are stories in the Bible of men who boldly stepped out of their comfort zone to stand up for what they believed in.  God calls us to boldly proclaim His name and what He has done in our lives.  When we make a decision to step out of our comfort zone and tell others about Him and then act on that decision, we are obeying Him by being courageous.  There are sometimes consequences to doing this, and it may cause others to look at you differently, but what matters most is that God is pleased because it is Him with whom you will be spending eternity.  The more we boldly step out, the more we begin seeing growth and small successes which not only encourage us to continue in such a way but will also encourage others to do the same.
March 28, 2012
Image Is Everything
March 27, 2012
The Miracles
March 26, 2012
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Let Us Pray For You!
We're not meant to go through our challenges of life alone, so we'd love to pray for you! Go to our Prayer Wall and click on "About Prayer"

About Richard Ellis Talks

The reason this radio show exists, is to share Richard's talks about a God who is alive. A God who loves you. A God who wants to give you hope and a future. Hear Richard talk. Feel God. And if you'd ever want to find out more about who God is, and how to get to know Him a little better, we'd love to connect with you, at, or call us anytime at 855-6-RICHARD. Of course, Richard and his team would love to stay in contact with you on all the social media platforms. Just search for "Talk With Richard" so we can keep the conversation going!

About Richard Ellis

Authentic... Genuine... Sincere... This guy is the real deal. He loves God. He loves his wife Rebecca and his 3 daughters. He loves people. He loves his job. He loves Texas BBQ. He loves an occasional round of golf. And he loves the Dallas Cowboys (but don’t hold that against him!).

Richard grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil, coming back to the states to finish his education. He graduated from Baylor University in 1982 with a BA in Oral Communications, and earned his MDIV in 1985 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, making him the sixth generation of pastors in his family. His early days of ministry included serving for three years as the Single Adults Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Then in 1997, Richard Ellis founded Reunion Church, a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational church in the heart of Dallas,Texas. Dallas needed a church like it. And it would need a pastor like Richard. So Reunion Church was born. And now the radio show and the website ( join the Reunion Church community under the leadership of this guy. And we’re all the better for it!

Contact Richard Ellis Talks with Richard Ellis

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Richard Ellis Talks
P.O. Box 191269
Dallas, TX 75219


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1.855.6.RICHARD (1.855.674.2427)