On this week’s Trail To Adventure! Gerry is visiting with Jim Butler in Pennsylvania’s scenic Appalachian Mountains. Jim & his wife Barbra own & operate Strath an De Farm, which in Celtic means “God’s Valley.” The beautiful forest setting is the location for annual summer father & son retreats. Also, a father & daughter event camp, that both are designed to make lasting memories in the lives of those who attend each year, plus draw them to the Creator God. Jim shares about the numerous activities these men & their children join in together with the goal of deepening the family bond & one’s personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The farm sees over 500 total attend each year & is a “no-cost” event, with a free-will offering taken!
July 25, 2022
On this week’s Trail To Adventure! program Gerry is the Archery Trade Association Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. He’s visiting with multi-winner of the National Wildlife Turkey Federation’s Turkey Calling Championship, Chris Parrish, who’s this week’s guest. Chris shares how he got involved in the outdoors and realized early that if you could make the thirty-two different sounds that a turkey produces, there is a good chance you could get them to come and invite them to your dinner table. He also goes into some of the details that are required to qualify for this annual competition and what happens when you are involved in the contest. Additionally, Chris shares how God got a hold of his life and dropped him to his knees when his little boy was born prematurely.
July 18, 2022
On this Trail To Adventure! Gerry meets with Dave Battle who is someone making his living related to God’s great outdoors. Dave and his wife Beth live in Anchorage, Alaska. He was raised to believe in Jesus, the Bible, and Creation, as he was immersed in experiencing the outdoors with his father. However, in his college years everything he was being taught as he studied to become a wildlife biologist was telling him, not only was Evolution a fact, but there wasn’t even a God necessary for life to exist. Yet, one day in class, an eye-opening look at how each skull he was required to examine and study from the different animal species revealed that they had to have been both intricately and intelligently designed for that animal to exist at all. They had such precise locations for the many openings and these hole locations; to him was positive proof of Intelligent Design and a Creator God!
July 11, 2022
Trail To Adventure! Gerry is at a Game Dinner in Pennsylvania with an old friend, Dick Hribar. Through the years as a fishing and hunting guide, Dick Hribar has put a lot of miles on his body. At the time of this interview he was about to undergo his fourth knee transplant on both legs; he is quite an outdoorsmen, always on the go. Dick shares how as a Special Education teacher in Pennsylvania for 30 years he was able to connect with his students by way of the bow and arrow, connecting with them using archery and hunting, turning many of their lives around as they lacked fathers at home. Dick also talks of his guiding elk hunters who draw the limited and coveted tags in Pennsylvania each fall to pursue the monsters that roam the mountains near his home.
July 4, 2022
On this week’s Trail To Adventure broadcast Gerry is Joined at his home office/studio by an old friend, Arnie Wolf, with his grandson Aidan. Visiting Ohio from their home in Wisconsin he’s looking to tell the listening audience about a new outreach minister. Arnie is helping a couple turn there 240 acres of woods in to a location to share Christ through outdoor recreation. This old homestead in Philips, Wisconsin is being readied by Bob and Tammy Brandt and Arnie has come along side of them. There hoping is to bring in and mentor youngsters to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Launching this endeavor with a big educating event and open house is the topic to this week’s program. There is an invitation for others to join them with an outlay of the things the kids can do in God’s Great Outdoors.
June 27, 2022
On this Trail To Adventure! Gerry visits with Steve Chapman in Nashville, TN as the two reflect on Steve’s first book “A Look at Life From a Deer Stand”, released back in 1996, yet is still going off of bookstore shelves as it has been reprinted many times. Meeting a need of women who wanted something for their male loved ones actively involved in the outdoors, (specifically hunting) but which also had a spiritual impact and would change lives. Steve also discusses how important outdoor ministry can be in reaching the man and the impact that it can have on the family. Steve hopes his new book “A Look at Life From a River Bank” will also help more men become trophies of grace for the Creator God Jesus Christ.
June 20, 2022
On this Trail To Adventure! a family tragedy is part of the story as the guest will give the listeners some real recreational water safety thoughts to consider. Kenny Ratliff begins this interview by describing great times in the outdoors with his dad and reflects on how he introduced him to spending time afield and stream. This later in his life became where he directed his vocation and passed up opportunities to wear a suit and tie to work. Kenny then goes into the story of how on Father’s Day some years back, and at the same time, the family was celebrating his dad’s and his youngest brother’s birthdays, something terrible happened. Kayaking on an area river, both of these two loved ones were taken home to be with the Lord because of a boating accident. A sad event to be sure, but one we can all learn from to be safe in our future recreation on the water.
June 13, 2022
On this Trail To Adventure! Dr. Tom Rakow, the founder of The Christian Deer Hunters Association and Gerry visit together discussing the numerous outdoor ministries that have come about over the years. The idea is to provide Christians looking to reach others who enjoy time in God's creation with the tools to aid in the ability to help win them to receive Jesus Christ as their Creator God. Tom shares about how The Christian Deer Hunters Association got started and how he never expected it to be what it is today. Tom also tells how he began writing books, and today despite the fact that he flunked English several times in school, with his family’s aid he has written a number of books that are helping Christians reach out to their unsaved friends and relatives with true stories on fishing and hunting.
June 6, 2022
On this week's Trail To Adventure! Gerry’s with Craig Johnson in Laramie, Wyoming. Craig tells how reading a copy of Gerry's book "Hunting Blunders and The One That Got Away!" was a part of the chain of events that led him to Christ. Craig shares how despite his difficult years growing up, including teenage alcoholism, everything was great in his later years. But then, Craig started to question why he was alive or even here? This subject so troubled him that he was seriously considering suicide if he didn't get the answer, so he asked God to make Himself known to him the way He wants to be known. This led to a series of events that brought Craig to Christ and he became incredibly active in sharing the Gospel through outdoor outreach as he grew in Christ. A radio program that will help you to be sure!
May 30, 2022
On this week’s Trail To Adventure! we’re exploring how two guys, David Hale who was a farmer, and Harold Knight a barber, who got together to design, develop, and market turkey calls. Gerry visits with these two legends in the outdoor world to discover that the only reason they started to sell their calls was because there weren’t many turkeys in Kentucky and they hoped to be able to make enough to buy a non-resident hunting license in Missouri. Giving one of these calls to an outdoor writer way back when there weren’t many turkeys to start with, created quite a stir. His article in an outdoor magazine drove in hundreds of phone calls to get one of their “turkey tubes” and it just went on from there. Both of these men give all the glory to God for what has happened in their lives and they continue to praise Him as the years roll by. The two are able to present their story at game dinners, telling of God’s blessing on them!
May 23, 2022