September 4, 2023
The giant aspens of the western mountain are one of the largest known organisms in the world. It is not well know that many of the large groves of aspens are all connected to one another. The roots grow out from one tree and often send up shoots that become another tree. Often times Ministries grow in the same fashion. One ministry sets roots and grows and as it matures it sends out roots and a new ministry springs forth and grows strong.
Many years ago God gave today’s guest a vision to start an organization called Christian Bow Hunters of America. From the roots of that organization God lead Gerry Caillouet to build God’s Great Outdoors. And the rest as they say is history.
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Gerry Caillouet 2 - True Stories
God's Great Outdoors Friends, Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!
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Featured Offer
Gerry Caillouet 2 - True Stories
God's Great Outdoors Friends, Wonder if this is something you can send to a person the Holy Spirit places on your heart - after you watch this segment from our website and that we've placed on YouTube. Jesus Christ's blood was shed to cover our sins and allow us to be with Him for eternity! Won't you pray who you might email this link to!