Ankerberg Show

Dr. John Ankerberg

The Rewards You Can Gain or Lose at The Judgment Seat of Christ - Part 1

April 16, 2020
What is the Judgment Seat of Christ? What is the purpose of the Judgment Seat? What misconceptions about the Judgment Seat keep Christians from taking it seriously? Will sins committed before trusting Christ diminish the reward? Will the Judgment be public or private? Will Jesus be angry? What things will Christ look for when He evaluates your life? What rewards may we gain or lose at the Judgment Seat? Who does Jesus promise to reward? Will the death-bed convert receive any rewards? When will the Judgment Seat of Christ take place? Is this Judgment different from the Great White Throne Judgment? Who will appear at each and what takes place? The Bible states, "The time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine." Are we living in such a time? Are we living in the last days when the Bible says people will have an outward appearance of religion but no inward reality? Across the world we are being told that society is getting better and better. But the Bible predicts that things will go from bad to worse. What is the truth? Is there evidence today that a new worldwide religious philosophy (the Antichrist) could capture people?s minds all over the world?

Featured Offer

UFOs and Alien Abductions – Package Offer
Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO. Are they really from some far-off galaxy, or is there another explanation for what people see? In this two-part series, Dr. Ankerberg talks with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about UFOs and Alien Abductions. UFOs have been seen worldwide, and far back in human history. Therefore, it’s important to understand what’s behind this phenomenon.


Did you know that a revolution is taking place in the academic world regarding the resurrection of Jesus? Today, much of what skeptics have long declared about Jesus is no longer accepted even among secular scholars. Dr. Gary Habermas, the world's leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, has been tracking these changes for the past 40 years. In our five programs, we address 12 historical facts about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that are accepted among most religious scholars. Using only five or six of these facts, Dr. Habermas offers substantial historical proof to support the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to strengthen your faith or to use in sharing your faith with others, "The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe" offers a unique and powerful resource. You'll be informed and inspired, ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
April 9, 2020
Did you know that a revolution is taking place in the academic world regarding the resurrection of Jesus? Today, much of what skeptics have long declared about Jesus is no longer accepted even among secular scholars. Dr. Gary Habermas, the world's leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, has been tracking these changes for the past 40 years. In our five programs, we address 12 historical facts about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that are accepted among most religious scholars. Using only five or six of these facts, Dr. Habermas offers substantial historical proof to support the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to strengthen your faith or to use in sharing your faith with others, "The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe" offers a unique and powerful resource. You'll be informed and inspired, ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
April 8, 2020
Did you know that a revolution is taking place in the academic world regarding the resurrection of Jesus? Today, much of what skeptics have long declared about Jesus is no longer accepted even among secular scholars. Dr. Gary Habermas, the world's leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, has been tracking these changes for the past 40 years. In our five programs, we address 12 historical facts about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that are accepted among most religious scholars. Using only five or six of these facts, Dr. Habermas offers substantial historical proof to support the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to strengthen your faith or to use in sharing your faith with others, "The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe" offers a unique and powerful resource. You'll be informed and inspired, ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
April 7, 2020
Did you know that a revolution is taking place in the academic world regarding the resurrection of Jesus? Today, much of what skeptics have long declared about Jesus is no longer accepted even among secular scholars. Dr. Gary Habermas, the world's leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, has been tracking these changes for the past 40 years. In our five programs, we address 12 historical facts about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that are accepted among most religious scholars. Using only five or six of these facts, Dr. Habermas offers substantial historical proof to support the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to strengthen your faith or to use in sharing your faith with others, "The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe" offers a unique and powerful resource. You'll be informed and inspired, ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
April 6, 2020
Did you know that a revolution is taking place in the academic world regarding the resurrection of Jesus? Today, much of what skeptics have long declared about Jesus is no longer accepted even among secular scholars. Dr. Gary Habermas, the world's leading expert on the evidence for the resurrection, has been tracking these changes for the past 40 years. In our five programs, we address 12 historical facts about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that are accepted among most religious scholars. Using only five or six of these facts, Dr. Habermas offers substantial historical proof to support the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perfect to strengthen your faith or to use in sharing your faith with others, "The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection Even the Skeptics Believe" offers a unique and powerful resource. You'll be informed and inspired, ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
April 3, 2020
What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won't accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus' enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus' resurrection?
April 2, 2020
What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won't accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus' enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus' resurrection?
April 1, 2020
What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won't accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus' enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus' resurrection?
March 31, 2020
What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won't accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus' enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus' resurrection?
March 30, 2020
What is Christianity? Why is it more than just a moral code or philosophy of life? Why is Christianity based on a real man who lived by the name of Jesus Christ? Who were the 9 authors gave us information about Jesus? Why is it true that if people won't accept the basis of the N.T. documents, then they must reject all of the Greek and Roman classics as well? Did Jesus ever claim to be special, a prophet, a Messiah, or God? On what basis did Jesus say He will give someone eternal life? What evidence shows that Jesus' enemies hear Him say that He was God? What evidence indicates Jesus performed miracles? What historical facts indicate Jesus rose from the dead? What 6 facts of history can only be explained by Jesus' resurrection?
March 27, 2020
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Featured Offer

UFOs and Alien Abductions – Package Offer
Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO. Are they really from some far-off galaxy, or is there another explanation for what people see? In this two-part series, Dr. Ankerberg talks with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about UFOs and Alien Abductions. UFOs have been seen worldwide, and far back in human history. Therefore, it’s important to understand what’s behind this phenomenon.

About Ankerberg Show

The John Ankerberg Show is a daily half-hour radio program and a weekly half-hour internationally syndicated television program using informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.

About Dr. John Ankerberg

Dr. John Ankerberg is host and moderator of the nationally broadcast John Ankerberg Show television and radio program. Dr. Ankerberg is an internationally known author, evangelist and apologist. He and his wife, Darlene, have one daughter, Michelle.

Dr. John F. Ankerberg in his writings and on his television program presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical Christian answers. He believes that Christianity can not only stand its ground in the arena of the world's ideas but that Christianity alone is fully true. He has spoken to audiences on more than 78 American college and university campuses as well as in crusades in major cities of Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters.

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