A New Beginning

Greg Laurie

How to Walk with God in 2020, Part 1

April 3, 2020

Enoch is one of the only people to never die. The Bible says Enoch walked with God, and God took him straight to heaven! Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us consider the close relationship between Enoch and God, and learn to walk closely with the Lord ourselves. Tune in!

Featured Offer

In thanks for your gift, you can receive a copy of Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book.
Cartoon companions Ben Born Again and YellowDog teach kids how to read the Bible, how to pray, how to know the will of God, how to resist temptation, and much more in this engaging resource written for children. A copy will be sent to you for a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.


Enoch was a man who lived a godly life in the midst of an ungodly culture. And yet the Bible noted that Enoch “walked with God.” Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us follow in Enoch’s footsteps. We’ll gain good insight on walking closely with the Lord in a culture that’s lost its way. Tune in!
April 2, 2020
How can we press forward in our Christian life and not slip back? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question in a practical message called “20/20 Vision.” On Wednesday’s edition of A NEW BEGINNING, he gives a step by step plan for running our Christian race with endurance and persistence. Tune in!
April 1, 2020
The Christian life has been compared to a race … a race we must win. And Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us develop 20/20 spiritual vision so we can run our race successfully. Good insight coming your way!
March 31, 2020
In every great story, there’s a hero and a villain. Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie focuses on the real-life account of Esther, the heroine of the story … and we’ll look at the villain named Haaman, a man who reaped what he sowed. Important insight coming!
March 30, 2020
God notices everything we do for Him.  Pastor Greg Laurie says God never forgets.  Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, we see a good example of that in a man named Mordecai.  Pastor Greg brings us important insights from the story of Esther.  Be sure to tune in.
March 27, 2020
Did you know you’re related to royalty?  Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out, as believers, we’re children of the King!  We’ve been adopted into God’s family.  How should that change the way we live?
March 26, 2020
Can the Lord reach people without us?  Pastor Greg Laurie says, “Yes, but He would rather reach people through people.”   Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, an inspiring look at our part in taking God’s message of hope to those around us.  It’s part of the reason we’re here.  Good reassurance coming.
March 25, 2020
Pastor Greg Laurie says you are uniquely equipped for service, with tools given to you by the hand of God. And He has a plan for how those tools can be used. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll see what God can do when His providence meets a divine opportunity. Tune in for our study of Esther.
March 24, 2020
It’s not easy to maintain a godly value system in the midst of an ungodly culture. And Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn some valuable lessons from a young woman named Esther. At a dangerous moment in history, she stepped forward courageously. We’ll learn from her example.
March 23, 2020
People are worried, people are uncertain, people are fearful. The nation is a state of emergency because of the Coronavirus pandemic. But should Christians be fearful? Friday, on a special edition of A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses those concerns. Tune in for timely encouragement!
March 20, 2020
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Featured Offer

In thanks for your gift, you can receive a copy of Ben Born Again’s New Believer’s Growth Book.
Cartoon companions Ben Born Again and YellowDog teach kids how to read the Bible, how to pray, how to know the will of God, how to resist temptation, and much more in this engaging resource written for children. A copy will be sent to you for a gift of any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.

About A New Beginning

A New Beginning features the teaching of Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. Join Pastor Greg as he teaches God's Word in a relevant, practical, and understandable way. Discover biblical insights and learn how to know God and make Him known!

About Greg Laurie

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America with over 15,000 attendees. Greg Laurie is also the founder of the evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades with over nine million attendees and over half a million professions of faith. In addition, Greg’s daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning which is heard on over 1000 radio stations.

Greg Laurie is the author of over 70 books including Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon and Lost Boy amongst others. He has also produced several award-winning films including A Rush of Hope which saw millions tune in for the first-ever cinematic crusade. Greg is married to Cathe Laurie and has two sons and five grandchildren.


Contact A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

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A New Beginning
P.O. Box 4000
Riverside, CA 92514