In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years. - Isaiah 63:9

Our compassionate God carries those for whom he cares. He is a “carrying” God. At times, we all need to be carried. We may fall behind like little children whose legs are too weak to keep walking through sand. Other times, we might be more like lambs that persist in straying from the shepherd and risk falling prey to enemies.

God always promises to carry us—even until our old age (Isaiah 46:4). But it costs to carry. In order for Jesus to carry our sins, he first had to carry his cross (John 19:17). Jesus carried that cross for us.

Perhaps you can be Jesus’ arms for someone else to-day—someone who needs to be carried. Conversion to Christ puts us into a carrying mode. We can reflect his likeness by carrying one another’s burdens. It will cost to carry, but think of Jesus’ example and thank him for never getting tired of carrying mine.

Not too long ago one of my friends called me to tell me that her husband had left her. Having just walked through that particular situation with a close relative, I reacted quite wrongly, thinking, Not again, Lord—it’s unfair to expect me to do this again! At once I knew this was one more personal task he wanted me to pick up. Others could have done it, but then I would have missed his will for my life in this respect. You carry me, Lord, I prayed, as I carry her.

I will, he promised.

For Further Study: Isaiah 40:11 - Isaiah 63:9

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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