Sound Doctrine

Jeff Johnson

To Care, Comfort and Confirm Part 2a

March 10, 2020

I probably don’t have to convince you that life is difficult. There’ll be some bumps and bruises that we’ll encounter along the way.  But there’s something important you need to know, and that is what God is accomplishing through it all.  And Jesus will be there with you!  That’s the emphasis of pastor Jeff’s message in Acts chapter fourteen today on Sound Doctrine.

References: Acts 14:23-28

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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.


Today on Sound Doctrine we spotlight Acts chapter fourteen, and verses twenty-one and twenty-two.  It’s good to be reminded that life isn’t supposed to be easy, and we’ll face hardship and suffering.  But God will be with us, and can even deliver us as He did for the apostles. 
March 9, 2020
Pastor Jeff will be in Acts fourteen on this Friday. I’m sure you’ve seen it… a great evangelistic crusade comes to town, and hundreds come forward. But nobody follows up with them. That’s not what we find here in Acts. Yes the apostles preached the gospel, and many were saved. But they also discipled and taught them. Let’s be encouraged to follow their lead.
March 6, 2020
Ever have one of those days when everything is going along just fine, and then you’re thrown a curve ball out of nowhere? Things went from great to bad in a hurry. We’ve all been there. In Acts chapter fourteen, The Apostle Paul is in Lystra and is about to experience one of those days. Let’s see what we can learn from this experience today on Sound Doctrine.
March 5, 2020
Having a bad day? We all do from time to time. Even the apostle Paul had difficult days, as we’ll learn today on Sound Doctrine. But how do you handle it next time it happens to you?
March 4, 2020
Today on Sound Doctrine, Pastor Jeff Johnson returns to Acts chapter fourteen, and reminds us God alone is deserving of the glory when we’re being used.
March 3, 2020
What a thrill it is to be used by God, but if we’re not careful we can start to think we had something to do with it. Or think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. Today on Sound Doctrine pastor Jeff heightens our awareness to a danger that coincides with being of God.
March 2, 2020
As we open the book of Acts we see people coming to the Lord left and right, and there was effective outreach.  Don’t you just long for that to happen in your own neighborhood, or this country of ours? How does it happen?  We get a few clues in Acts chapter fourteen, and that’s where we join pastor Jeff Johnson for Sound Doctrine.  
February 28, 2020
When you go to a crusade or church service and hundreds of people give their lives to the Lord, you may start to wonder, what’s the secret sauce?  How did the evangelist or pastor do it?  Before you start to think it’s something mankind comes up with in their own strength, you need to hear what Acts chapter fourteen has to say.  Here on the Thursday edition of Sound Doctrine, pastor Jeff Johnson shows us what effective outreach looks like. 
February 27, 2020
Whether you launch out on a short-term mission’s trip to Mexico, or host a community evangelistic outreach at your church I’m sure you want it to be effective!  Today on Sound Doctrine we look back at an effective outreach in Acts chapter fourteen.  Pastor Jeff Johnson believes, if we follow the model laid out for us here, it’ll serve to help us arrive at effectiveness in ministry.
February 26, 2020
Today on Sound Doctrine we're observing God’s prescription for revival, which involves the Word and the Spirit.  Pastor Jeff will point out three results of revival.  The first is the Word is spread.
February 25, 2020
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Daily Devotions
This special collections of daily devotions with your Calvary Chapel Pastors will edify you as you read each day of the year. God's Word in these devotions will inspire you. As these Pastors share their hearts and personal experiences of God's faithfulness.

About Sound Doctrine

A weekday radio program featuring the verse by verse Bible teaching of Pastor Jeff Johnson broadcasted throughout the United States and abroad.

About Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California since 1973. The emphasis within his ministry is a verse-by-verse study of the Word of God, giving its full counsel. His influence has experienced a steady and substantial growth over the years with people of all ages. Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. High School, and Bible college meet the needs of this large body. Calvary Chapel's impact is growing from Southern California to virtually around the world. His wife Karyn supports Jeff in his ministry.

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 (562) 803-6501

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