The Bible is both a spiritual, and a very practical book. It outlines how we are to live as citizens on this earth and citizens of heaven as well. That’s why in our study today we are going to look at topics like prayer, how to respond to the homeless and those in need, and how to use our gifts. Pastor Jeff helps us to see the partnership of God initiating and us responding to His Holy Spirit in order to be used by Him. Stay tuned as Pastor Jeff shares on these important issues back then and now in Acts 3 for our study titled, “Rise up and Walk!”
July 24, 2019
Conspicuously absent in the church today is the appearance of miracles as we see in the book of Acts. Pastor Jeff gives both the cause and the reason for that phenomenon and shows what led to the miracle of the healing of the lame man in that first fellowship of believers. And he shows that as we seek to reclaim some of those areas that have been neglected in today’s church, we will then allow God to do what He wants to do. In this study that is both an observation and a sobering comparison, it causes us to ask the Lord to search our hearts today. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 3 on the study titled, “Rise Up and Walk.”
July 23, 2019
Spiritual growth in the Lord doesn’t happen in a day, but it happens daily. Advancing in sanctification, or Christian growth, happens by continual exposure to the things that God has given to us. As we conclude our study on the outcome on the actions from Acts 2:42, Pastor Jeff reminds us of the 4 by- products that we need to emulate in order to actually experience that growth like we see in the book of Acts. We invite you to join us for our time in Acts 2 as we conclude the message titled, “The Christian Lifestyle” in our study of Sound Doctrine.
July 22, 2019
How often is necessary for a Christian to be experiencing fellowship, God’s Word, and prayer? For some the answer seems obvious. For other believers, it’s based on a sense of perception, or self-evaluation. However, Pastor Jeff shows us from today’s portion in the Scriptures the frequency of being in the Word, Fellowship, and prayer that made a difference among those who came to the Lord. With personal anecdotes of his experience and Biblical references, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 2 for our message titled, “The Christian Lifestyle” for this Friday edition of Sound Doctrine.
July 19, 2019
What does a changed lifestyle look like? For the person whose life has been transformed by Jesus Christ, who is following Acts 2:42, what should they expect God to do in them and around them? We need to look no further than our portion of Scripture before us today. Pastor Jeff helps us to see how the community in Jerusalem was impacted by the sudden and powerful testimony of the brand new church who continually met in the midst. As we allow our lifestyle to be changed to reflect the same spiritual pursuits, we too can expect God to do a work among our families, our community, and more. We invite you to the message titled, “The Christian Lifestyle” in Acts 2 for our time in Sound Doctrine with Pastor Jeff.
July 18, 2019
With so much focus on work-life balance, the implication is that our existence mostly consists of those two categories. However the Bible declares that if we have a spiritual balance of 4 spiritual fundamentals then, all other areas will find their rightful order, because we have a proper spiritual-life balance with the Lord first. For this reason Pastor Jeff has taken the time to slow down and examine the need for these 4 key areas. As we finish with a look at prayer, we see that the early believers’ dependence on prayer is often absent with today’s church. Pastor Jeff helps us to see how we can regain that personally. With our study in Acts 2, - titled, “Being an Acts 2:42 Christian” join us for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
July 17, 2019
It’s been said that if there is something amiss in your walk with the Lord, it can be traced to an absence of at least 1 of 4 areas. As we continue our studies in the book of Acts, we are observing these 4 timeless essentials for every believer’s spiritual diet. As you listen to Pastor Jeff sharing these simple yet profound truths, it can be a good checklist to see how these key principles are integrated in your life for spiritual growth. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 2 for our study titled, “Being an Acts 2:42 Christian” in this Tuesday edition of Sound Doctrine.
July 16, 2019
Anyone who wants to get physically fit will maintain a regimen of exercise, nutrition, and sleep. As time goes by they notice positive changes taking place from their investment. The same is true when it comes to being spiritually fit. In our passage today, Pastor Jeff Johnson is showing us the outline of healthy Christianity as the essential of walking with the Lord. As we maintain a close fellowship with the Lord and one another, God will cause us to grow into the spiritually healthy people He is calling us to be. With more on our topic, “Being an Acts 2:42 Christian,” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 2 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
July 15, 2019
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” When it comes to how the early church lived, that is especially true. Because embedded in the pages of Scripture Pastor Jeff Johnson gives us a model or blueprint from the Holy Spirit to the path of successful Christian living. It is something, not just for certain superchristians, but for every believer in Jesus Christ. As we put these principles into practice in our lives, we will see the Lord blessing our lives. Take a listen to our first study titled, “Being an Acts 2:42 Christian” with Pastor Jeff Johnson for our time in Sound Doctrine.
July 12, 2019
It’s been said that maybe one of the reasons why Christians don’t share the Gospel is because they believe that people will actually say yes. And not knowing how to lead them to Christ presents some Christians with fear. That brings us to our passage in the book of Acts today. Pastor Jeff Johnson shows the right response to those whom have heard and are ready to commit their lives to Jesus. We are shown what key elements are necessary in our understanding and in communicating the life-changing truths. With our final study titled, “The First Gospel Message,” let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 2
July 11, 2019