Some of the trials and challenges we experience will never be remedied until we have learned the habit of maintaining a focus on Jesus instead of obsessively focused on ourselves. When we realize that we have a God who has promised to take care of us and love us, we can trust an unknown future to a known God. As we begin a series on Intercessory prayer, Pastor Jeff reminds us that the key to praying more for others is thinking more about others first. As we do this and intercede for them, we will see God’s hand working in their lives and our hearts changed by Him. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 6 for today’s encouragement in Sound Doctrine.
January 14, 2019
God tells us through His word to call upon Him. And when we do He will answer and show us great and mighty things which we didn’t know. And G.K. Chesterton said that Christianity hasn’t been tried and found wanting. It’s been found difficult and left untried, meaning that one of the reasons we don’t hear from God is that we don’t want to meet the requirements to be able to hear. However, as we pray and surrender our lives to the Lord, He is more than willing to cause us to hear His voice. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 6 for our study titled, “Praying in the Spirit” in Sound Doctrine.
January 11, 2019
When it comes to wondering what God is doing in our lives, Pastor Jeff helps us to remember how prayer puts us back into His purposes, aligning our heart and our desires with His. If you want a change of heart, pour it out to God who is able to move it where it is supposed to be. Surrendering all the issues of our hearts to the Lord demonstrates to God that we trust Him and want Him to work in our lives. With more on the building blocks of this powerful weapon in our arsenal against evil, join us as we continue our study titled, “Praying in the Spirit” for our time in Sound Doctrine with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
January 10, 2019
John Bunyan, author of the Christian classic Pilgrim’s Progress said, “Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan. Yet when it comes to using it as a scourge for Satan, we often treat it like the fire alarms that read in emergency break glass, saving prayer for a rare occasion. In our episode of Sound Doctrine today, Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us not just the effectiveness, but the personal need that each believer has when it comes to prayer. As you follow along in our study, we pray that the Lord will encourage, challenge, and inspire you in your prayer life as well. With that in mind, let’s get in to Ephesians 6 for our message titled, “Praying in the Spirit” with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
January 9, 2019
Whatever fire comes into contact with, it turns into fire itself, so that the burning fire is replicated over and over. When it comes to God’s Word, it produces the same effect within us. It causes us to spiritually burn, becoming passionate for the things of God and giving us a new heart. When it comes to consistently abiding in the Word, Jesus said that those who do so, will be set free and truly become His disciples. As we enter into our final study on God’s Word the Sword of the Spirit - Part 2 Pastor Jeff continues to show us the matchless benefits of the power of God’s Word against the enemy. We invite you to join us in Ephesians 6 for our rich time in Sound Doctrine.
January 8, 2019
At the end of every year, Newspapers, magazines, and Entertainment shows reveal who has passed away the previous year. Many times it shows the tragic consequences of substance abuse, violence, or many other tragedies. No doubt, given the opportunity many would do some things differently. When it comes to this time of the year while many are looking forward to how to have a better year, may we suggest that you begin each day with a rich time in God’s Word? For Mary, it was the good thing which couldn’t be taken away from her. And for Job, it was more necessary than his daily bread. As we continue looking at the Sword of the Spirit, Pastor Jeff shows the eternal and temporal blessings that accompany our dedication to reading the Word. So, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 6 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
January 7, 2019
Benjamin Franklin who had access to a printing press was said to bring out a passage that ostensibly came from the Bible, to see who he could trick into believing it came from the Bible. He would challenge his guests to tell him which book and chapter it came from. Though Franklin’s attempt to call into question people’s knowledge of the Word, was considered humorous at the time, today the practice of selling lies to unsuspecting believers is all too common. Pastor Jeff Johnson helps us to see the importance of knowing and clinging to the Sword of the Spirit against the lies of the devil. We invite you to spend the next few minutes as we touch upon important truths in spiritual warfare during our time in Sound Doctrine.
January 4, 2019
The difference between Martha and Mary is that Martha’s serving caused her to be distracted, while Mary’s sitting at the feet of Jesus helped her to be focused. While we determine to sit at the feet of Jesus, we will increase our ability to focus on the things that God wants to do in our lives for His glory and our blessing. As we conclude our study on the Sword of the Spirit - Part 1, Pastor Jeff helps us to see which camp we find ourselves in, and how to cultivate a loving, receiving disposition with Jesus so that His word becomes our delight. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 6 for today’s study in Sound Doctrine.
January 3, 2019
The Bible tells us that the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes. If we will allow Him, God will lead us through His word in the pure way of walking with Him. This is the way of life that Moses prescribed to the children of Israel to walk in. As we use the Sword of the Spirit as a guide in our lives, it will transform us to be the people who will lead others to Jesus who will change them as well. This is such an important topic on God’s Word that we encourage you to take notes, if possible. And stay tuned after the study for information on how you can obtain your own copy of this message. Until then join us in Ephesians 6 for our study on the Sword of the Spirit part 1 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
January 2, 2019
It’s been said, “All Word and no Spirit, and you will dry up. All Spirit, but no Word, and you will blow up. But with both the Spirit and the Word, you will grow up.” One dictionary defines balance this way: "A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions."When a Christian is walking in step with God’s Spirit, He will produce a harmony of the Word integrated with His leading. When there is an imbalance, consistency is difficult to find. As we continue in our series on the Armor of God Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us both the need for the Sword of the Spirit and it’s place in our lives. With more on this critical weapon, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Ephesians 6 for today’s study in Sound Doctrine.
January 1, 2019