Real Life Radio

Jack Hibbs

An Anchor For The Soul - A

January 21, 2019

The waves we wrestle against are there to draw us closer to God. It’s through trials that the Lord establishes His work. And, it’s through hardships that our soul, which is our mind and emotions, will begin to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. And, with Jesus as our Anchor, we have undeniable truth on our side.

References: Acts 25:1-12

Featured Offer

Daze Of Deception
Jesus warned that deception would grow worse as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become increasingly challenging—even in the church. We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid. Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth—and you’ll learn how you can discern the difference.


Life is inconvenient. Whether we’re too late, or too early for something, we’re always looking for a way out, or when it’s more convenient. We’ll even wait to make a decision for Christ, by not responding when we had the chance. But, today is the day for salvation, and later may be too late.
January 18, 2019
There’s always the temptation to compromise. Sometimes pressure gets the better of us. But, like Paul, we’re to confront people with the truth, in love, and in self-control. Paul knew that his testimony would stir up trouble, but it didn’t sway him from keeping to his word.
January 17, 2019
When we take man’s easy way out, we have nothing tangible to live for. And, when we are confronted with the truth, we want to run away and hide. Freedom of religion gives us the false sense of security that many paths lead to God, and we want to choose the easiest way. But, the truth is that there is only one way, and that is through God’s Son Jesus Christ.
January 16, 2019
Paul’s confession was that outside of Christ we are dead in our sins. But, in Christ, we have the assurance that there is life after death. Paul plead guilty for reminding the Jewish leaders of their own doctrine, that there will be a resurrection. But, only those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life in heaven with Him.
January 15, 2019
When others come against us, we have a tendency to either believe the lies, and allow ourselves to be judged, or we become angry and retaliate. Our hearts then condemn us. But, God is greater than our hearts, and He wants us to bless our accusers, and let the Lord be our defense.
January 14, 2019
Like Paul, our situation may look like it’s coming apart at the seams, and a feeling of desperation sets in. But, God has led us to this point in time for a purpose that we may not yet understand. And, He hasn’t left us to go it alone, but is with us all along the way.
January 11, 2019
God will never leave us or forsake us. And, God’s Word tells us in Romans 8: 28, that all things work together for good, to those who love God, and to those who are the called according to His purpose. Jesus, will never fail us, especially when we feel that we’ve failed.
January 10, 2019
There was a conspiracy going on to ambush Paul. But, God is working behind the scenes, in total control in spite of our turmoil. Sometimes what we feel that God is nowhere, but He is now here, closer than ever.
January 9, 2019
God is always with us, even when we feel abandoned. There are times of dryness that we go through, or there are those who will conspire against us because of our faith in Christ. Still, no matter what happens to us here on earth, it doesn’t mean God doesn’t care, but is working in us the most.
January 8, 2019
Everyone will experience resurrection. Some will experience life, and some will experience condemnation and death. Regardless of what the religious leaders believed, Paul gave a testimony that was filled with the hope of the resurrection. And, if we believe in Jesus Christ, we also have hope of eternal life.
January 7, 2019
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Featured Offer

Daze Of Deception
Jesus warned that deception would grow worse as we draw nearer to the end times, saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Distinguishing truth from error has become increasingly challenging—even in the church. We live in a time when falsehoods assault us from every direction. Packaged with just enough truth to make them appear trustworthy, these counterfeits have grown more and more difficult to detect and avoid. Living in the Daze of Deception explores the many ways error is masquerading as truth—and you’ll learn how you can discern the difference.

About Real Life Radio

Real Life with Jack Hibbs is dedicated to proclaiming truth. Standing boldly in opposition to false doctrines designed to distort the Word of God and the character of Christ, Jack’s voice challenges today’s generation to both understand and practice what it means to have a biblical worldview. His bold preaching will encourage and embolden you to walk with Jesus. Unwilling to cower to the culture’s demands or to tickle listening ears with a watered-down gospel, Jack addresses key topics that will challenge you to deepen your relationship with Christ and make an effective impact on the world around you.

About Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs is the founder and senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California. Jack and his wife, Lisa, began Calvary Chapel Chino Hills as a home Bible study fellowship/church plant from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in 1990.

Today, the church ministers weekly to over 14 thousand people on campus and to millions worldwide through the Real LIfe Television and Radio broadcast. Weekly, the Real Life broadcast can be heard on over 500 stations in the United States, including SiriusXM satellite radio. Additionally, he is heard internationally in South and Central America on Daystar Espanol, plus Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and the Hawaiian Islands.

Recently, "The Jack Hibbs Podcast" was launched and can be heard on all major podcast platforms.

Jack Hibbs serves on numerous national executive committees and boards including the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., a nationwide faith and public pew. Jack and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over 42 years and live in Southern California.

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Real Life Radio
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