Life can be depressing and dark. More often than not, we face several challenges at the same time and we find ourselves trying to find our way through the maze without any success. In fact, it can become very frustrating and the problems seem worse than when we started. We are just simply overwhelmed.

It was very dark for a very long time for the Israelites before God sent the Light into the world-His name is Jesus! He came as a small innocent baby born in the humblest of places; a barn. He seemed like any other baby, just a baby, insignificant. No one could imagine His Power at this point.

We celebrate Christmas, his birth. Do we realize Who He is; not was, the Son of God, the King of Kings? God sent us His best gift, His Son.

He walked this earth healing the sick physically, emotionally and casting out demons. He gave the dead life again. He spoke to the people giving His Wisdom and teaching them how to live with faith and treat others the way they want to be treated. His Wisdom was above their heads and they couldn't quite understand His ways. He taught to love in spite of how we are treated because that is the way he loves us.

When we first start to read His Word, and become acquainted with Him, it doesn't make sense to us either. It seems to go against what, to us, seems impossible to attain. The more we read and digest it, we realize that, with Him, it is right and circumstances start to work better for us.

While writing this column we learned of a dear friend's husband who was in a car accident and in the trauma center of Mission hospital. His injuries are severe. In the midst of this dark time there is The Light, Jesus, who brings comfort, hope and healing. We know we can go to Him in prayer and He will never turn us away, but welcome us with open arms while hearing our petition for healing.

Walking with Him through our dark mazes and letting Him light the way changes everything. He will lead you out of your darkness and into His Light. We can climb out of our despair and depression because His promises are true.

Jesus, The Light and Hope of the World-Merry Christmas


Laureen Giorgio, local author of Christian books and co-host of a Christian Talk Show Living with Victory Radio Podcast can be reached at