Because America values freedom of religion, every American is free to worship (or not worship) as they wish, including Islam, unlike Arab and Muslim countries where Islam is the state religion and other religions are barely tolerated or not tolerated at all.

Under the Obama administration Islam has enjoyed the greatest promotion by any American president. Not only has Pres. Obama traveled to Eqypt and other Arabs countries to address the Muslim world, often apologizing for America, but he hosted a Ramadan dinner in the White House. He also has appointed more Muslims to his administration than any other president.

One such appointment is Dalia Mogahed, President Obama's advisor on Muslim affairs. She is the first female veiled Muslim White House appointee. What kind of advice does she give him? Well, we don't know exactly, but we do know some of her worldview by the things she has said and the associations she has. For instance...

She made this astonishing statement in an interview on a British television that, "The majority of women around the world associate gender justice, or justice for women, with sharia compliance." This worldview is certainly not mainstream in America or any other country, except for Muslim countries.

She was a member of the U.S. Muslim Engagement Project, which called for "engagement" with the Muslim Brotherhood - the organization that has a 100 year plan for subverting and overthrowing the West. She also teamed up with John Esposito to conduct a poll on Islam, then misrepresented some of the results (some called it "cooking the books") in order to increase the number of Muslim "moderates." (Remember Pres. Obama said America was one of the "largest Muslim countries in the world", stating there were over 7 million in the U.S., then he changed it to 5 million; and as our guest on today's show pointed out, the Pew Report estimates American Muslims at less than 2 million).

At any rate, for Mogahed to assert that shariah promotes "gender justice" is one thing, but to have the ear of the president is quite another, to put it mildly.

We talked about this, and the increase of radical Islam in America on the show with Dr. Jerry Newcomb, lead producer of the new documentary, "Radical Islam on the March." We also played clips of Pres. Obama's remarks at the White House Ramadan dinner, which show you can hear online following the link in our broadcast archives.

© Sharon Hughes 2009


Sharon Hughes is Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews and a radio talk show host on KDIA in San Francisco, and online at Salem Web Network’s Her articles appear in many recognized news sites and publications, including FRONTPAGEMAG. She also writes for, a division of The Media Research Center, and has appeared on FOX News and other national radio programs. For further information and other radio networks she is on visit her Websites,, and Blog Facebook, Twitter Or Contact: