Changing Worldviews

Sharon Hughes

GODTalk Weekend: Standing Firm - Don't Be Deceived

June 25, 2023

Hope - absolutely essential for faith - and thus a huge target of the enemy of our souls. This month on our Weekend GODTalk edition of the show we will look at the tactics used to steal our hope, so that we won't have faith, to endure. One tactic is 'deconstructionism' that is slipping into the evangelical church. It's no small thing, and you may be surprised who is participating in it. We need to follow the Bereans' example mentioned in the Book of Acts in the Bible, who took what they heard and measured it by the plumbline of God's Word, to discern, and not be deceived, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 24.

References: Matthew 24:4-5


The WHO (World Health Organization) met this month, and voted on the implementation of Health (Vaccine) Passports, without which you can't travel. But, wait, there's more to that story that lines up with the WEF (World Economic Forum) Great Reset agenda. Hear Michelle Bachman's report from their summit, as well as others, on the control of money and more. Also, the new documentary, "The Great Awakening," a must for everyone concerned about what is happening regarding the rise of global government.
June 19, 2023
Guest: Bert Botta, Author, Therapist, Men's Life Coach - In today's politically-correct culture it's not popular to give honor to men. But it's time for balance because not all men are dead-beat dads, abusers or predators; many are men of integrity, are good fathers, and honor women, etc. And, as our guest points out, some have been victims of molestation, affected negatively by fatherless homes themselves, and all find themselves facing prejudice just for being men today. And so it's an issue that needs addressing. And ladies, if you want to understand the men in your life, this is a good one for you, too.
June 16, 2023
The WEF (World Economic forum) has a plan to Reset the World - but how, and many more importantly, why? And what is the 'Fourth Turning' and is it setting us up for a Reset? And what part does environmentalism, and the religion of the 'Green Dragon' have to do with the agenda and methods of the global elitists working to Reset everything and everyone?
June 12, 2023
Guest: George Barna.  Some of the latest trends happening in our culture, specifically After School Satan Clubs - what, where, when and why. And then the decline of morality in America with  George Barna, Founder of The Barna Group, Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center, Professor at Arizona Christian Universtiy. He also is the Sr. Research Fellow at Family Research Council Center for Biblical Worldview, and a Fellow at the Townsend Institute at Concordia University, and author of 58 books.
May 31, 2023
Join Sharon and her guests as we give honor where honor is due, discuss the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, hear from a Soldier tell of real life war experiences of our Troops, and more on this Memorial Day special. Greater love has no man than he lay down his life for his friends, and we pause to remember those who have done that for our freedoms.
May 29, 2023
"Deconstruction" is happening everywhere these days, including decontructing genders. We are now told that there are over 100 Genders, and that includes telling kindergartners; but not just telling them that, telling them they can change their genders, traumatizing these little ones! Parents are reacting not only to this, but to Target's pro LGBTQ+ apparel satanist designer. Hear the new pro-transgender video being shown to children, and parents' reactions and more. 
May 24, 2023
Worldviews matter, and we need to be alert more than ever to the input we are getting from the media and government and culture. There are those with agendas, no surprise, and those who promote propaganda to shape our worldviews, to get our agreement...and our priorities to match theirs. Then there are those who are actively working to deconstruct our society and our faith. Truth is what we need. Truth is what sets and keeps us free, as individuals and as nations. This Episode we look at an overview of the above and at Government Propaganda.
May 22, 2023
Guests: Former Hitler Youth, Hilmar Von Campe & Patrick Wood, author of "Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Gloval Transformaton. As we launch our all-new Podcast, we go back to connect the dots to what is going on today, regarding totalitarian governments forming and the advances of technology, AI and how it ties in to endtimes.
May 15, 2023
Guests: Pastors Steve Reyes and David Hughes - In contrast to recent movies and series depicting Jesus saying and doing things not recorded in the Bible, this podcast is a discussion of several interesteing aspects of the movie 'Passion of the Christ.' 
April 8, 2023
After 20 Years on the Air, Changing Worldviews is moving to all online and digital venues beginning in April! So watch for all All New Podcast! In the meantime - 5 of some of the Hottest Topics on today's show: Climategate with Brian Sussman, USA & Hitler with Edwin Black, UFOs - Real? with Terry James, Middle East Coalition against Israel with Ron Rhodes, & the Criminalization of Christianity with Janet Folger-Porter.
March 27, 2023
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About Changing Worldviews

Exposing the worldviews behind the current issues of our increasingly complex world, with interviews of well-known authors, public policy and pro-family experts, religious leaders and apologists for the faith, in a lively, compelling and informative format.

About Sharon Hughes

Sharon Hughes is the Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and 15+ year Investigative Journalist and Talk Radio Host. Saying it like it is on the most critical issues of our day to conferences, on television, and on the radio interviewing well-known authors and film producers, public policy and pro-family experts, and government and religious leaders, Sharon's column has also been published in print media and on numerous online news sites.


In addition, Sharon is the Founder of Relationships Seminars, Co-Leader of Women In Christ, an outreach to women, and Bible Teacher. She has served in various capacities in her church, on community and state boards, and has been the recipient of several Leadership Awards. A wife, mother, and now grandmother, Sharon loves to cook and fly fish with her husband, Duane.

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