Ankerberg Show

Dr. John Ankerberg

What God Wishes Christians Knew about Christianity, Part 3

March 14, 2013
Why is it that many Christians lack assurance of their salvation?  Why is the normal Christian life not the normal Christian's experience?  How can we conquer the mother of all sins that Christians and non-Christians are guilty of committing?  What does God want us to know and do in times of temptation to live victoriously?  If the Bible teaches that Christians stand holy and totally accepted before God because of Christ, why do so many not feel and act holy?  Are Christians free to sin all they want because God has forgiven them of all their sins, past, present and future? Why is it crucial for Christians to have complete faith in God?  Why does God allow those who love and serve Him to suffer?

Featured Offer

UFOs and Alien Abductions – Package Offer
Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO. Are they really from some far-off galaxy, or is there another explanation for what people see? In this two-part series, Dr. Ankerberg talks with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about UFOs and Alien Abductions. UFOs have been seen worldwide, and far back in human history. Therefore, it’s important to understand what’s behind this phenomenon.


Why is it that many Christians lack assurance of their salvation?  Why is the normal Christian life not the normal Christian's experience?  How can we conquer the mother of all sins that Christians and non-Christians are guilty of committing?  What does God want us to know and do in times of temptation to live victoriously?  If the Bible teaches that Christians stand holy and totally accepted before God because of Christ, why do so many not feel and act holy?  Are Christians free to sin all they want because God has forgiven them of all their sins, past, present and future? Why is it crucial for Christians to have complete faith in God?  Why does God allow those who love and serve Him to suffer?
March 13, 2013
Why is it that many Christians lack assurance of their salvation?  Why is the normal Christian life not the normal Christian's experience?  How can we conquer the mother of all sins that Christians and non-Christians are guilty of committing?  What does God want us to know and do in times of temptation to live victoriously?  If the Bible teaches that Christians stand holy and totally accepted before God because of Christ, why do so many not feel and act holy?  Are Christians free to sin all they want because God has forgiven them of all their sins, past, present and future? Why is it crucial for Christians to have complete faith in God?  Why does God allow those who love and serve Him to suffer?
March 12, 2013
Many find themselves confused at the myriad of unfulfilled prophecies that remain in the Bible.  Step by Step through End Time Events is designed to help simplify the important biblical prophecies stil to come. Specific attention is given to--imminent rapture, nations that will align against Israel, future global government and the future Jewish temple.
March 11, 2013
Many find themselves confused at the myriad of unfulfilled prophecies that remain in the Bible.  Step by Step through End Time Events is designed to help simplify the important biblical prophecies stil to come. Specific attention is given to--imminent rapture, nations that will align against Israel, future global government and the future Jewish temple.
March 8, 2013
Many find themselves confused at the myriad of unfulfilled prophecies that remain in the Bible.  Step by Step through End Time Events is designed to help simplify the important biblical prophecies stil to come. Specific attention is given to--imminent rapture, nations that will align against Israel, future global government and the future Jewish temple.
March 7, 2013
What is the relationship between natural disasters, earthquakes, and wars, and their significance in Bible prophecy? In this series we ill look at the prophecies given in Matthew 24 and other passages that speak of activities similar to what we see today. We cover topics like: What are the signs of the end times?  Do recent earthquakes forshadow the great earthquakes of Scripture? Are the numerous wars in the Middle east and around the world starting to align nations against Israel? And much more.
March 6, 2013
What is the relationship between natural disasters, earthquakes, and wars, and their significance in Bible prophecy? In this series we ill look at the prophecies given in Matthew 24 and other passages that speak of activities similar to what we see today. We cover topics like: What are the signs of the end times?  Do recent earthquakes forshadow the great earthquakes of Scripture? Are the numerous wars in the Middle east and around the world starting to align nations against Israel? And much more.
March 5, 2013
What is the relationship between natural disasters, earthquakes, and wars, and their significance in Bible prophecy? In this series we ill look at the prophecies given in Matthew 24 and other passages that speak of activities similar to what we see today. We cover topics like: What are the signs of the end times?  Do recent earthquakes forshadow the great earthquakes of Scripture? Are the numerous wars in the Middle east and around the world starting to align nations against Israel? And much more.
March 4, 2013
Many believe Jesus was a prophet or excellent moral teacher.  But is He God? And if He claims to be God, is there any proof that He is? Explore the testimony of nine eye-witnesses who wrote about Jesus, His miracles and His resurrection.  It isn't enough to believe that He was a prophet or an excellent moral teacher.  Either He is God as He claimed, or He was the greatest actor who ever lived. Learn to examine the evidence for yourself in If Jesus Wasn't God, Then He Deserved an Oscar.
March 1, 2013
Many believe Jesus was a prophet or excellent moral teacher.  But is He God? And if He claims to be God, is there any proof that He is? Explore the testimony of nine eye-witnesses who wrote about Jesus, His miracles and His resurrection.  It isn't enough to believe that He was a prophet or an excellent moral teacher.  Either He is God as He claimed, or He was the greatest actor who ever lived. Learn to examine the evidence for yourself in If Jesus Wasn't God, Then He Deserved an Oscar.
February 28, 2013
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Featured Offer

UFOs and Alien Abductions – Package Offer
Millions of people around the world claim to have seen a UFO. Are they really from some far-off galaxy, or is there another explanation for what people see? In this two-part series, Dr. Ankerberg talks with astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about UFOs and Alien Abductions. UFOs have been seen worldwide, and far back in human history. Therefore, it’s important to understand what’s behind this phenomenon.

About Ankerberg Show

The John Ankerberg Show is a daily half-hour radio program and a weekly half-hour internationally syndicated television program using informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say. The programs are designed to appeal to a thinking audience of Christians and non-Christians alike.

About Dr. John Ankerberg

Dr. John Ankerberg is host and moderator of the nationally broadcast John Ankerberg Show television and radio program. Dr. Ankerberg is an internationally known author, evangelist and apologist. He and his wife, Darlene, have one daughter, Michelle.

Dr. John F. Ankerberg in his writings and on his television program presents contemporary spiritual issues and defends biblical Christian answers. He believes that Christianity can not only stand its ground in the arena of the world's ideas but that Christianity alone is fully true. He has spoken to audiences on more than 78 American college and university campuses as well as in crusades in major cities of Africa, Asia, South America, and the Islands of the Caribbean. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters.

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