Amazing Grace

Then David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in to her and lay with her. So she bore a son, and hecalled his name Solomon. - >2 Samuel 12:24

David was sensitive to his grieving wife who needed to becomforted. He lay with her and she conceived a son and his name was Solomon, meaning––peace or peaceable. To understand how the Lord’s grace was perfected in their lives, we need to look at the book of Matthew. Within Christ’s lineage we find Bathsheba––she is not mentioned by her name but is referred to as Uriah’s former wife:

and Jesse begot David the king. David the king begot Solomon by her who had been the wifeof Uriah… And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ (Matthew 1:6, 16).

It was unusual for a woman to be included in Jewish linage. In fact, Bathsheba is mentioned with three other women––Tamar, Rahab the harlot and Ruth an accursed Moabite. God showed His amazing grace by placing those sinful women in His lineage. In many cultures today women are still seen as worthless.Our God values women and He has an eternal plan for them.

We may not fully see what God is accomplishing in our lives but by His grace, He has begun a good work and He will complete it (Philippians 1:6). Look back on your life; how have you changed because of His grace?

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I am found was blind but now I see. 
~John Newton~

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