
Discipleship: Regaining This Neglected Command

September 7, 2010
Guest: Jeff Myers, President, Passing the Baton “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you...” -- Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20a) The above words of Jesus were His final instructions to His disciples before He ascended into heaven. It’s interesting what he tells them to do: make more disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey Christ. Evangelism, which could be be defined as Christians sharing the good news with unbelievers that forgiveness of sin and eternal life in heaven is available to all through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, is sometimes discussed and encouraged in evangelical churches today. But what about the next step that immediately follows evangelism -- discipleship? Once someone is “saved” or becomes a follower of Christ, there is a great need for that “babe in Christ” to be “discipled” by a stronger Christian and taught how to obey the commands of Christ. Discipleship is the coming alongside of another brother or sister in the faith and helping them grow stronger. This is exactly what Jesus Christ modeled with His own disciples. Discipleship is what we will discuss this weekend on The Christian Worldview with guest Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Passing the Baton International, an organization which seeks to mentor, strengthen, and disciple the next generation. Tune in this weekend to find out the importance of discipleship and how you can carry out Christ’s command.
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On air since 2004, The Christian Worldview with host David Wheaton is a weekly radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. A new program releases every Saturday. The program focuses on current events, cultural issues, and matters of faith from a biblical perspective and often features interviews with compelling guests. The mission is "to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.”

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About David Wheaton

David Wheaton is the host of The Christian Worldview, a radio program that airs on 250 stations across America. He is also the author of two books, University of Destruction: Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus and My Boy, Ben: A Story of Love, Loss and Grace. 

Formerly, David was one of the top professional tennis players in the world. He is married to his lifelong best friend, Brodie, and they are the parents of a son…and two Labrador retrievers. David is thankful for his faith in Christ, his family, and living near where he grew up in Minnesota.

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