Telling the Truth

Stuart and Jill Briscoe

What Do You Want Me to Do, God? Part 2

April 15, 2024

How does God want you to live your life? Although you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, God still desires you to live in a way that glorifies Him and brings honor to His name.

In this message, Stuart Briscoe takes you to Romans 12:1-2 to share what exactly God wants you to do with your time on the earth. And as you step out in obedience—by the power of the Spirit—you’ll experience the richness and fullness of the life God has for you.

References: Romans 12:1-2

Featured Offer

Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   


Stuart Briscoe How does God want you to live your life? Although you don’t have to do anything to earn His favor, God still desires you to live in a way that glorifies Him and brings honor to His name. In this message, Stuart Briscoe takes you to Romans 12:1-2 to share what exactly God wants you to do with your time on the earth. And as you step out in obedience—by the power of the Spirit—you’ll experience the richness and fullness of the life God has for you.
April 12, 2024
Jill Briscoe “What is God’s will for my life?” It’s a serious question that is asked by believers of all ages facing all kinds of decisions and uncertainty. As Jill Briscoe explains, you cannot know the will of God until you find God and get to know Him personally—or at least slow down long enough for Him to find you!  God does not intend for His will to be a mystery to us. In fact, He makes it perfectly clear in His Word. What can we learn from the stories of the Bible… from how Jesus handled certain situations? A great deal!  Through this teaching, you’ll learn how you can know God’s will for your life and then begin to apply it in practical ways. Are you ready to surrender your plans if it means you will accomplish His?
April 11, 2024
Jill Briscoe “What is God’s will for my life?” It’s a serious question that is asked by believers of all ages facing all kinds of decisions and uncertainty. As Jill Briscoe explains, you cannot know the will of God until you find God and get to know Him personally—or at least slow down long enough for Him to find you!  God does not intend for His will to be a mystery to us. In fact, He makes it perfectly clear in His Word. What can we learn from the stories of the Bible… from how Jesus handled certain situations? A great deal!  Through this teaching, you’ll learn how you can know God’s will for your life and then begin to apply it in practical ways. Are you ready to surrender your plans if it means you will accomplish His?
April 10, 2024
Stuart Briscoe Are you living for yourself or for God? That’s a great question to answer when you’re struggling to understand God’s will for your life. He really is amazingly clear about His purpose and will for the life of the believer. But finding clarity means setting yourself apart from conventional worldly thinking and sharply focusing on God’s Word. It’s in Scripture where God tells you the purpose for your life. He has eternal work set aside since before creation for you to do—work that blesses God and others. In this message, Stuart Briscoe invites the resistant, the negligent, and the paralyzed believers to step into a deeper understanding of God’s will—and discover daily, with joy, what it is He wants you to be and to do.
April 9, 2024
Jill Briscoe When we pray, most of us spend a lot of time praying for ourselves, our family, and our friends. Those are all good things to pray for. But there’s much more that God wants us to pray about. Prayer allows us to interact with all three members of the Trinity at the same time and be an active participant in helping to accomplish God’s will. In this message, Jill uses the story of the widow and her little pot of oil from the Old Testament to show us how to let the Holy Spirit guide us in our prayer life so that God’s purposes are fulfilled in the world and in our lives.
April 8, 2024
Stuart Briscoe Gideon was once a fearful and hopeless man who openly questioned God during a difficult period. So he seemed to be quite an unlikely candidate when the Angel of the Lord came to him with an incredibly important mandate.  In this message, Stuart Briscoe uses the story of Gideon to dispel any preconceived standards we might hold about whom God calls, and asks the question: Is He calling you?
April 5, 2024
Stuart Briscoe Gideon was once a fearful and hopeless man who openly questioned God during a difficult period. So he seemed to be quite an unlikely candidate when the Angel of the Lord came to him with an incredibly important mandate.  In this message, Stuart Briscoe uses the story of Gideon to dispel any preconceived standards we might hold about whom God calls, and asks the question: Is He calling you?
April 4, 2024
Jill Briscoe Splinters, thorns, prickers. It doesn’t matter what they are called, they hurt and get under your skin! Life in our world is filled with thorns: difficult relationships, illness, loss of loved ones, broken promises. The Bible tells us that even the Apostle Paul and God Himself in Jesus struggled under the bite of thorns. But God does not allow thorns in our lives without providing sufficient grace to live in the prickly mess. What Satan intends to push us down often results in pushing us to our knees in front of God’s throne instead.  “You who wore my thorns that I may know Your grace…pierced by my sin that I may see Your face…loved and forgiven from shame and deep disgrace. You wore my thorns. You wore my thorns.” (from Jill’s poem “You Wore My Thorns” copyright 2003)
April 3, 2024
Jill Briscoe Splinters, thorns, prickers. It doesn’t matter what they are called, they hurt and get under your skin! Life in our world is filled with thorns: difficult relationships, illness, loss of loved ones, broken promises. The Bible tells us that even the Apostle Paul and God Himself in Jesus struggled under the bite of thorns. But God does not allow thorns in our lives without providing sufficient grace to live in the prickly mess. What Satan intends to push us down often results in pushing us to our knees in front of God’s throne instead.  “You who wore my thorns that I may know Your grace…pierced by my sin that I may see Your face…loved and forgiven from shame and deep disgrace. You wore my thorns. You wore my thorns.” (from Jill’s poem “You Wore My Thorns” copyright 2003)
April 2, 2024
Jill Briscoe Why is a walk in a garden so relaxing? Because we were created to live in God’s garden of perfection, forever. Unfortunately, as the story goes, Adam and Eve made a fatal error and were forced to make their home in the garden of sin instead, where nothing is perfect or peaceful.  But remember, this is God’s story! God came looking for Adam and Eve after they disobeyed. And in His grace, He still comes looking for us today. Jill Briscoe takes us through biblical examples of God’s saving grace and how He offers us a way to His riches through Christ.
April 1, 2024
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Featured Offer

Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   

About Telling the Truth

Telling the Truth is an international broadcast and internet ministry that brings God's Word into the lives of people all over the world. Stuart and Jill Briscoe are the featured Bible teachers, encouraging and challenging listeners to study the Word of God and be drawn closer to Christ. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelling logic of Stuart, as they boldly proclaim God's sovereignty, grace, and love. 

About Stuart and Jill Briscoe

Stuart Briscoe uses wit and intellect to target your heart, capture your attention and challenge you to grow! You will find his logic compelling as he brings a fresh, practical perspective to the Scriptures. Born in England, Stuart left a career in banking to enter the ministry full time. He has written more than 50 books, received three honorary doctorates and preached in more than one hundred countries. He was senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, for thirty years, and currently serves as minister-at-large.

Jill Briscoe was born in England and found Christ when she was 18 years old. She never looked back. Upon graduating from Cambridge University, she began working as a teacher by day and had a vigorous street ministry to the youths of Liverpool by night.

She met Stuart at a youth conference and they married in 1958. In the 50 years since, Jill has become a highly sought-after Bible teacher and author who travels around the world ministering to under-resourced churches and speaking at international seminars and conferences. Since 2000, she and Stuart, who was formerly senior pastor of Elmbrook Church for 30 years, have had the joy of equipping and encouraging believers across the globe in their roles as ministers-at-large for Elmbrook.

Jill has authored more than 40 books including devotionals, study guides, poetry and children's books. Her vivid, relational teaching style touches the emotions and stirs the heart. She serves as Executive Editor of Just Between Us, a magazine of encouragement for ministry wives and women in leadership, and served on the board of World Relief and Christianity Today, Inc., for over 20 years.

Jill and Stuart call suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin their home. When they are not traveling, they spend time with their three children, David, Judy and Peter, and thirteen grandchildren.

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