Telling the Truth

Stuart and Jill Briscoe

His Plan in My Life - His Words in My Mouth - Part 1

September 11, 2014
Do you ever find yourself running away from God's plans because you feel inadequate? Jeremiah felt inadequate when God called him to be a prophet. But God spoke a promise to Jeremiah saying, "My plan will be in your life, My work will be in your hand, and My words will be in your mouth."

In this 2nd message in the series Faith Enough to Finish on the testimony of Jeremiah, Jill teaches how to have the kind of faith that believes that God will enable and equip us to do everything He asks of us. The teaching taken from Jeremiah 1:4-9 and 26:1-2.

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Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   


Trying to walk in faith is a day-by-day lesson in leaning on God. It's figuring out moment-by-moment what a Christian life looks like - and it's not easy. Jeremiah had to learn how to have faith like this when he was in the pit, when he was fighting despair and doubt. During this time, God was teaching Jeremiah to put his mind on Him, instead of on the troubles of life. Jeremiah's testimony of learning faith morning by morning is a great lesson for us in pursuing faith, even in doubts and trials. Based on Lamentations 3:19-33, this is the first message in Jill's 3-message series Faith Enough to Finish.
September 10, 2014
Trying to walk in faith is a day-by-day lesson in leaning on God. It's figuring out moment-by-moment what a Christian life looks like - and it's not easy. Jeremiah had to learn how to have faith like this when he was in the pit, when he was fighting despair and doubt. During this time, God was teaching Jeremiah to put his mind on Him, instead of on the troubles of life. Jeremiah's testimony of learning faith morning by morning is a great lesson for us in pursuing faith, even in doubts and trials. Based on Lamentations 3:19-33, this is the first message in Jill's 3-message series Faith Enough to Finish.
September 9, 2014
Those who are going through a tough time often ask themselves, "How am I going to get through this?" Many times it may feel like you never will. But faith is something that can get you through anything. In this message, Pete looks at Hebrews 11 and uses the lives of Moses, Joseph, and Rahab as examples of how strong faith can get us through five hard things most people have to face. Based on Hebrews 11:1, this is the final message in Pete's 4-message series In God We Trust.
September 8, 2014
If we're stuck in the mindset of the church as a building in which we gather, instead of a community of believers, we lose sight of one of the key purposes of the church: to scatter among the lost. The first church understood what it meant to be a rich, powerful community that prepared and supported people for mission work. Have we lost this in our churches today? Based on Acts 2, in the sixth message of Stuart's series Why Church?, Stuart explains the missions of the early church, while encouraging us to use our churches today not just to gather, but also to scatter.
September 5, 2014
We're fortunate to have 2,000 years of church history and church experience to draw from in our churches today. But what about the first church – the prototype? In this message from Deuteronomy 6, Stuart dives into the origins of church practices as we know them today, where we got our rituals from and how these were redefined in the sacrifice of Jesus. This is the fifth message in the series Why Church?
September 4, 2014
The church was officially born at Pentecost, when the Spirit of the Lord was sent to indwell Christ's followers. In the fourth message of the series Why Church?, Stuart describes the beginnings of the church and how the indwelling of the Spirit marks the new identity of every believer in Christ. This teaching is based on Acts 1-2.
September 3, 2014
In Jesus' last days with His disciples, He laid out the blueprints for the founding of His church. He made sure His disciples knew what the church should be, whose it was going to be, and what their jobs were in building it. In this message from Acts 1, Stuart examines these foundational principles and how well our churches today are following them. This is the third message in Stuart's series Why Church?
September 2, 2014
When we think about the church as a building, we lose sight of the real purpose of the church - to be an example of loving community to the fragmented communities in the world around us. In this second message of the series, Why Church?, Stuart explains what it means to be part of the community of the called, and it's based on Ephesians 4:1-6.
September 1, 2014
For hundreds of years, people have been talking about the church as if it were simply a building. But that was never what it was meant to be. Stuart Briscoe begins his 12-message series Why Church?, by helping us get out of the mindset of the church as a building, and into the mindset of thinking of "church" as first and foremost a word for relationships and community.
August 29, 2014
We might never have known the beautiful story of the Good Samaritan if he was not a man of financial means. He helped the man who was lying on the side of the road, who was beaten by robbers, when no one else would. The Good Samaritan had the means to pay for the man's food and lodging while he rested and healed. Do you have the financial means to help others in need? In this message, Pete Briscoe focuses on God's teaching that giving is eternal in nature and it never fades. And he reminds us that when God blesses us financially, He offers us the opportunity for great joy if we in turn bless others. Based on Acts 20:35 and Matthew 6:19-21, this is Pete's final message in his series, Finding Freedom in Your Finances.
August 28, 2014
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Featured Offer

Stand firm for truth in today’s shifting culture!
Our culture is full of ever-shifting beliefs, and we want to help you stand firm for truth amidst the world’s confusion by sending you Stuart Briscoe’s six-message series, Six Things We Must Never Forget.  This series will help equip you to test any new idea against the timeless truth of Scripture—and it’s our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. So request your copy today!   

About Telling the Truth

Telling the Truth is an international broadcast and internet ministry that brings God's Word into the lives of people all over the world. Stuart and Jill Briscoe are the featured Bible teachers, encouraging and challenging listeners to study the Word of God and be drawn closer to Christ. Gifted with wisdom, discernment, and a bit of English humor, the Briscoe's bring God's Word to life. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelling logic of Stuart, as they boldly proclaim God's sovereignty, grace, and love. 

About Stuart and Jill Briscoe

Stuart Briscoe uses wit and intellect to target your heart, capture your attention and challenge you to grow! You will find his logic compelling as he brings a fresh, practical perspective to the Scriptures. Born in England, Stuart left a career in banking to enter the ministry full time. He has written more than 50 books, received three honorary doctorates and preached in more than one hundred countries. He was senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, for thirty years, and currently serves as minister-at-large.

Jill Briscoe was born in England and found Christ when she was 18 years old. She never looked back. Upon graduating from Cambridge University, she began working as a teacher by day and had a vigorous street ministry to the youths of Liverpool by night.

She met Stuart at a youth conference and they married in 1958. In the 50 years since, Jill has become a highly sought-after Bible teacher and author who travels around the world ministering to under-resourced churches and speaking at international seminars and conferences. Since 2000, she and Stuart, who was formerly senior pastor of Elmbrook Church for 30 years, have had the joy of equipping and encouraging believers across the globe in their roles as ministers-at-large for Elmbrook.

Jill has authored more than 40 books including devotionals, study guides, poetry and children's books. Her vivid, relational teaching style touches the emotions and stirs the heart. She serves as Executive Editor of Just Between Us, a magazine of encouragement for ministry wives and women in leadership, and served on the board of World Relief and Christianity Today, Inc., for over 20 years.

Jill and Stuart call suburban Milwaukee, Wisconsin their home. When they are not traveling, they spend time with their three children, David, Judy and Peter, and thirteen grandchildren.

Contact Telling the Truth with Stuart and Jill Briscoe

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12660 W North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005-4633

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