Telling the Truth for Women

Jill Briscoe

Winning the Worry War

March 25, 2019

Jill Briscoe will freely admit that even as a Christian, she struggles with worry—and she's not alone. Battling against worry and reclaiming the energy and abundant life that worry steals from us is a daily battle for so many people. Are you ready to learn how to rule worrisome situations and not be ruled by them?

In this message, Jill shares the turning point in her life when she finally felt the worry war pivot in her favor—and it had a lot to do with studying the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.

References: Joshua 1:6-11

Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 


Life is full of many battles—big and small. An unexpected death, a bad relationship, or a rebellious teenager can lead to emotional battles that cause us pain and despair. It can be tough to understand how we'll get through it. In this message, Jill explores the life of Joshua and shows us how God helps us fight and win our battles.
March 22, 2019
We all can remember a time in our lives when we felt inadequate for something—parenting, a new job, or an unexpected life event. It's during these times that we can't help but think, "I can't do this." In this message, Jill teaches us how we can follow God's will for our lives by not only saying, "I can," but also saying, "I will."  Jill tells the story about Stuart, at the age of 17, being asked to teach about the Church at Ephesus.
March 21, 2019
Do you ever feel like you've lost your fire for God? Maybe you find yourself just "doing" your walk with Christ instead of having passion and drive to dig deeper. When we lose the fire, the rest of our faith suffers. In this message, Jill teaches us how we can reignite the fire to seek a more intimate relationship with God.
March 20, 2019
There is a war going on right now inside each one of us. It's the battle between good and evil, and it's been going on since the beginning of time. But what does that mean for us? In this message by Jill, she teaches us what the war is about, what role we play, and how we can guard ourselves against the evil one.
March 19, 2019
“What is God’s will for my life?” It’s a serious question that is asked by believers of all ages facing all kinds of decisions and uncertainty. As Jill Briscoe explains, you cannot know the will of God until you find God and get to know Him personally—or at least slow down long enough for Him to find you!  God does not intend for His will to be a mystery to us. In fact, He makes it perfectly clear in His word. What can we learn from the stories of the Bible... from how Jesus handled certain situations? A great deal!  Through this teaching, you’ll learn how you can know God’s will for your life and then begin to apply it in practical ways. Are you ready to surrender your plans if it means you will accomplish His?
March 18, 2019
Can God revive the believer and animate the moral corpse of the unbeliever? In other words, "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel had a vision and a mission that can be ours. What God is looking for is a "blessing bone."
March 15, 2019
The Bible, in both the Old Testament and New Testament, "streams" with images of the Water of Life: storms and rain; streams in the desert; springs and wells; rivers, waterfalls, and watersheds; and the gentle dew of heaven. Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
March 14, 2019
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does the Bible say about His work today? Can I experience the supply of His sustaining power in my life? This teaching is also available in Jill's book A Little Pot of Oil.
March 13, 2019
Have you ever been with someone who seemed to have an inner joy even in the midst of a crisis? As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, which brings incredible joy, and yet it's true that we can lapse into feeling depressed and hopeless. How do we keep our joy? In this message Jill explores how can experience joy on the inside even when things are all wrong on the outside.
March 12, 2019
God will use you, no matter how broken you are, if you are obedient. This is the lesson we can learn from the book of Esther. Esther started as a simple Jewish girl. But God asked her to be obedient, and she ended up risking her life to go before the king and make a request that her people be saved. She went with the knowledge that she would most likely be killed. But Esther had faith and was obedient.
March 11, 2019
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Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 

About Telling the Truth for Women

Telling the Truth exists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.

About Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge, she taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children.

In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with the Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United Sates for thirty years, Jill has written more than forty books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging, served on the boards of "Christianity Today" and "World Relief," and now acts as Executive Editor of a magazine for women called "Just Between Us."

Jill can be heard regularly on the worldwide media ministry called "Telling the Truth" She is proud to be called “Nana” by thirteen grandchildren.

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