Telling the Truth for Women

Jill Briscoe

How to Grow as a Christian

September 19, 2018

Often times, you'll hear runners talk about the "wall" they hit when they are running. They can either stop running or push through the wall. Although it's hard to push through the wall, the reward is great because they usually experience a surge of energy and feel like they could run forever. As Christians, we can hit a "wall" that makes us feel stuck in our Christian walk. Although it's hard to push through it, when we do, we see a huge growth spurt. In this message, Jill explains how we can push through our "wall" to grow as a Christian.

Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 


When you think of witnessing, what comes to mind? Many think witnessing is scary and intimidating. Others think it's something that just pastors and ministry leaders should do. But God believes witnessing is everyone's job, and He has given each and every one of us the tools to do it. In this message, Jill explains how we can learn to witness.
September 18, 2018
Splinters, thorns, prickers. It doesn't matter what they are called, they hurt and get under your skin! Life in our world is filled with thorns: difficult relationships, illness, loss of loved ones, broken promises. The Bible tells us that even the Apostle Paul and God Himself in Jesus struggled under the bite of thorns. But God does not allow thorns in our lives without providing sufficient grace to live in the prickly mess. What Satan intends to push us down often results in pushing us to our knees in front of God's throne instead.  "You who wore my thorns that I may know Your grace...pierced by my sin that I may see Your face...loved and forgiven from shame and deep disgrace. You wore my thorns. You wore my thorns." (from Jill's poem "You Wore My Thorns" copyright 2003)
September 17, 2018
Why is a walk in a garden so relaxing? Because we were created to live in God's garden of perfection, forever. Unfortunately, as the story goes, Adam and Eve made a fatal error and were forced to make their home in the garden of sin instead, where nothing is perfect or peaceful.  But remember, this is God's story! God came looking for Adam and Eve after they disobeyed. And in His grace, He still comes looking for us today. Jill Briscoe takes us through biblical examples of God's saving grace and how He offers us a way to His riches through Christ.
September 14, 2018
Luke is the only Gospel writer who records this part of Jesus' life. Jesus is now a pre-adolescent. These years are known as "the silent years."
September 13, 2018
Is your heart asking, "How long, O Lord"? Who or what are you waiting for? A job? A friend to be a friend? Someone to love you or for you to love back? Are you waiting for a break—or a baby? A child to say they're sorry, reconciliation, or an important prayer to be answered? Maybe you're waiting for the bullying or betrayal to stop—or lying, hating, injustice, corruption, or hurt. Or perhaps you are in a crisis of faith that needs to be resolved. In this message from Habakkuk, Jill Briscoe offers encouragement for the tough times in life.
September 12, 2018
I believe in Jesus, but for so long I've been spiritually dry. I made a mistake. A bad mistake! And since then, I've been living in a desert of regrets in a dry and barren land… thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. It's been a long time since I've experienced a sense of the supernatural. I feel isolated, marginalized, full of self-doubt—a failure! If this sounds like you, Jill Briscoe offers help in her message based on the life of Moses.
September 11, 2018
We often ask, "Where is God? I look for Him, but I do not see Him. I listen for Him, but I do not hear Him. It is dark—so very dark. Not pitch black perhaps, but my life is lived in shadows. How can I find God in the shadows?" In this message, Jill Briscoe looks at the life of Esther to uncover answers to those questions.
September 10, 2018
When you come to familiar Scriptures, do you tend to pass them by? Most of us have heard Psalm 23, describing the shepherd's relationship with his sheep. Take time and allow the Lord to give you a fresh revelation on these verses as Jill Briscoe shares her heart and perspective on one of her favorite passages in Scripture. Read Jill's accompanying poem here.
September 7, 2018
What is God using to chisel you into the image of Christ? Will you lie still in His hand and let Him do it?  For Jeremiah, God was using his ministry partner, Baruch, to chisel and hammer him into shape. Jeremiah, too, was chiseling Baruch. Without the encouragement of the other, neither would have had faith enough to finish when their ministry got difficult.  In this message, Jill describes how we can learn to work with and celebrate the differences between us and the people in our lives.
September 6, 2018
Do you ever find yourself running away from God's plans because you feel inadequate? Jeremiah felt inadequate when God called him to be a prophet. But God spoke a promise to Jeremiah saying, "My plan will be in your life, My work will be in your hand, and My words will be in your mouth."  In this message, Jill teaches how to have the kind of faith that believes that God will enable and equip us to do everything He asks of us.
September 5, 2018
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Featured Offer

Learn to trust God through all of life’s storms and squalls!
Jill Briscoe’s powerful teaching, Weathering the Storms of Life, along with 12 uniquely designed Scripture cards will help you trust God in all life’s storms! 

About Telling the Truth for Women

Telling the Truth exists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.

About Jill Briscoe

Jill Briscoe was born in Liverpool England in 1935. Educated at Cambridge, she taught school for a number of years before marrying Stuart and raising their three children.

In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with the Torchbearers and in pastoring a church in the United Sates for thirty years, Jill has written more than forty books, travelled on every continent teaching and encouraging, served on the boards of "Christianity Today" and "World Relief," and now acts as Executive Editor of a magazine for women called "Just Between Us."

Jill can be heard regularly on the worldwide media ministry called "Telling the Truth" She is proud to be called “Nana” by thirteen grandchildren.

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