Much better than Chicken Soup for the Soul, is confession for the soul. Far too many paths have been walked for too long in ways that led many of God’s people away from Him when all He has been waiting for is our confession followed by repentance. Once that comes into light, we have a God who is gracious and merciful, ready to pour His blessings on our lives as we walk with Him. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows us how confession is such a key for God’s people. It’s part of our study titled, “The Word and Wicked Men” in Proverbs 28. With that in mind, let’s join Pastor Jeff Johnson for today’s installment of Sound Doctrine.
March 30, 2018
The Bible tells us that God’s love for aus is so great that He calls us His children. All parents want to see their children reach their potential. Being a good parent the Lord sees the condition of our faith and seeks to deepen it and draw out a more substantive faith that is sometimes formed through trials, if need be. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff shows how those who ignore and don’t make time for God’s word will discover their spiritual drift and their prayerful decline without recognizing it. It’s a strong warning to keep our eyes, hearts, and mind in those gifts that God has given to walk closely with Him. So, as we open up Proverbs 28 for our instruction titled, “The Word and Wicked Men” let’s turn our attention to Pastor Jeff Johnson.
March 29, 2018
Of all God’s children, there are times when we feel as though we don’t measure up to how well other believers do with the Lord. Maybe there are large areas of our lives that simply don’t show that we belong to the Lord. That’s why today Pastor Jeff Johnson shows us the characteristics of those who walk close to the Lord and what to watch out for in walking down a slippery slope of compromise and ruin. It’s timely Biblical guidance that the Holy Spirit has specifically given to us who have ears to hear. So let’s join Pastor Jeff in a message called, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” in Proverbs 28 for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine.
March 28, 2018
Jesus said that in the world you will have tribulation, so for the believer it’s not a surprise that there is are many unique challenges that we face in this life. Those who seek their own rights above everything else worship at the altar of self, opposing any who would speak against their words and actions. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson helps us to identify them by their attitude towards the Lord and His Word. As we recognize them, Proverbs shows us where their paths will lead. With our study titled, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” Here is Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 28 for today’s installment in Sound Doctrine.
March 27, 2018
Wildlife programs on TV show us how powerful and strong lions are. There is very little they fear. And there is very little they can’t conquer. And though the power and strength of a lion may not be the first image that comes to our minds as Christians, Pastor Jeff Johnson gives us many examples where God’s people exemplified the boldness that comes from the Lord. If you listen closely, I’m the Lord will whisper His encouragement through our study. With more of that, let’s join Pastor Jeff for today’s edition of Sound Doctrine in Proverbs 28.
March 26, 2018
It’s no doubt that we have a Good Shepherd who causes us to lie down in green pastures, and takes care of all our needs. He knows what we will say before there is a word on our tongue. But today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that our Good Shepherd has given us an example to follow. Just as Jesus knows where we are coming from and what we need, so too as believing parents we are called to know the spiritual temperature and well being of our family. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in our final installment titled, “Money Matters!” in Proverbs 27.
March 23, 2018
The problem with our desires is that we treat them like an amusement park, they are thrilling and exciting, but they are never satisfied. We go from wanting one stimulating experience, acquisition, or attainment to another. Pastor Jeff Johnson reminds us that Jesus is the only One who is able to give us real contentment. He alone truly satisfies. And all our desires find their contentment completely in Him. With our second installment of our study titled, “Money Matters” in Proverbs 27, here is Pastor Jeff Johnson.
March 22, 2018
When it comes to finances, we aren’t all given the same amount. But we are all given the same amount of time to use it for the same Lord. And we can recognize that God desires to see us faithful with what He has entrusted to us. Pastor Jeff reminds us that how we use it and what we do with it will either be a blessing or a hindrance to our lives and God’s kingdom. The question we need to ask ourselves is who’s glory are we using it for: God’s our ours? With more on that, here’s Pastor Jeff in Proverbs 27 with our study titled, “Money Matters” in Sound Doctrine.
March 21, 2018
When you’re at a sticking point in your marriage, it feels as if there’s no end in sight. Whether it’s one partner or both, it is a challenge that only the Lord is able to handle thoroughly. Today in Sound Doctrine Proverbs shows the issues and answers related to discontented wives. Pastor Jeff reminds us that only by leading and loving led by God’s Holy Spirit are husbands able to respond appropriately. Not just providing a band-aid, but a long term solution. With our final episode of relationships from Proverbs 27, here now is, Pastor Jeff
March 20, 2018
The popular song by MercyMe called, “Dear Younger Me,” stirs the imagine to wonder what advice we’d give our younger selves knowing what we know now. Today on Sound Doctrine Pastor Jeff Johnson takes up the same call from Proverbs reminding us of the consequences when we don’t listen to warnings. He then reminds us how Jesus is able to redeem bad choices in the here and now and then ultimately deliver us to a heavenly home. How powerful a reminder to share with friends and family who don’t know Jesus as their Lord. We pick up in Proverbs 27 for our study titled, “Relationships” with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
March 19, 2018