If you go to any online dictionary, they will show you words that are trending in our culture. That is to say, words that are popular, or favored. Depending on what is taking place in politics, media, or online, these words change from time to time. However, there is a word that isn’t trending lately, and saldy it has been neglected by many pulpits. Yet the word repent is an essential word to eternal life. As we continue our studies with Pastor Jeff, he helps us to see how Peter preached it, and the people responded with it. With more from the message titled, “Because He Lives” part 3, let’s turn to Acts 3.
August 9, 2019
Neither the greatest act of piety, nor the mightiest feat of strength are able to bring salvation to man. Yet God did through the cross of Jesus Christ accomplished one day 2,000 years ago what man has never been able to do in offering salvation to everyone who confesses the name of Jesus Christ. Pastor Jeff reminds us through Peter that salvation to mankind is only through the grace of of God, not of works so that no one can boast, but take refuge in Jesus Christ. kWe finish our second part of the study titled, “Because He Lives” in Acts 3. So join Pastor Jeff for today’s encouraging edition of Sound Doctrine.
August 8, 2019
The world continues to listen to every source in the world that claims to have spiritual, esoteric, or knowledge of the future. Every source except God. And while God continues to reach out and speak to this world, there is an apathy and distraction that the unbelieving world is caught up in. Pastor Jeff helps us to see that those who hunger and thirst for the Lord will be able to go to Him over and over. Join us as we look at our study titled, “Because He Lives” Part 2 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
August 7, 2019
Young men know their strength, older men know their weaknesses. When you discover strength that exceeds your own and power that comes from the Lord, you can either defer the glory to God and be thankful or you can steal that glory for yourself. Pastor Jeff Johnson shows how God used imperfect people like Peter and John in Acts 3 due to their willingness to completely defer to the Lord. And he elaborates on how God still does that today if we too will walk in humility. With more on this nn, let’s join Pastor Jeff in our study titled, “Because He Lives Part 2” for our time in Sound Doctrine.
August 6, 2019
It’s been said that it’s not how you start the Christian life, but how you end that life that matters most. Paul chastised the church in Galatia for trying to perfect themselves in the flesh after having begun in God’s Spirit. And today Pastor Jeff says that it is the overflow of continuing in God’s Spirit that is necessary in our lives in order for Him to work and move through us. As we begin a new study titled, “Because He Lives Part 2” Pastor Jeff helps us to see more of the working of God’s Spirit in and through the church that caused them to be effective for the Lord. With more on that, let’s join Pastor Jeff in Acts 3 for our time in Sound Doctrine.
August 5, 2019
How would you describe the lifestyle of the person whom Jesus uses in our world? What do they look like? What do they do on a regular basis? When it comes to finding such a person, we have to look no further than Jesus and the accounts we are given in the book of Acts. Pastor Jeff helps complete the picture by translating this ancient book with modern application. It’s an important reminder for maintaining an effective walk. We invite you to join us for our study titled, “Because He Lives” Part 1 as we glean more truths in our time in Sound Doctrine with Pastor Jeff in Acts 3
August 2, 2019
When a miracle working, almighty God does the impossible, what should the response of His people be? The reaction gives insight into where believer’s mind and heart actually dwell. To the Jews in the book of Acts, Peter addressed as those who should have known that God alone has the power to do the incredible. Our role is to trust in Him and wait upon how and when He wants to work. This serves as a good reminder to the believer who has simply relegated God as One who only worked in incredible ways in the past. And so join us in Acts 3 as we take in the message titled, “Because He Lives” Part 1 with Pastor Jeff in Sound Doctrine.
August 1, 2019
Sin brings sickness, sorrow, and death. And Jesus came to deliver us from a life that is dominated by sin. As we look at the picture of the lame man who was healed, Pastor Jeff uses him as an illustration of who the Lord doesn’t want us to be: one who simply ekes out an existence with no hope, and without God. As we learn lessons from this impactful study the Lord will help us also to be able to walk by the power of God as well. Join us in Acts 3 for our time in Sound Doctrine for our study titled, “Because He Lives” part 1 with Pastor Jeff Johnson.
July 31, 2019
Sin brings sickness and death. It produces calloused hearts and minds. It’s no wonder that in the picture of the lame man we are able to recognize a picture of our lives before Jesus Christ came in. And as we continue to look at the message from the life of the lame man, Pastor Jeff helps us to see how bad was our condition without Jesus. And the salvation God has brought us when we least expected it. With compelling scriptures and personal experience Pastor Jeff opens up the Word to see how Jesus is still able to do the same thing through us as He once did for us. Join us in Acts 3 for our study titled, “Rise up and Walk” part 2.
July 30, 2019
A miracle is by definition a suspension of the natural and physical laws around us. They are uncommon phenomena that God works at His discretion. Such was the case of the healing of the lame man in Acts 3. Two faithful followers of Jesus were used by God to get the attention of those who needed to hear the message of salvation. God wanted to take one miracle of physical healing and work other miracles of spiritual healing through salvation. Pastor Jeff helps us to see what God is did and what Jesus will do in the life that is yielded to Him. With more on our study titled, “Rise up and Walk Part 2” let’s join Pastor Jeff in our time in Sound Doctrine.
July 29, 2019