
Bonnie Sala

Innovating With The Holy Spirit

July 29, 2021

Do you remember the first time you saw a computer, or when you switched from a flip phone to your first smart phone? If you do, you're probably old enough to think TikTok is too complicated to learn. Most of us eventually trade innovation for consistency. Yet without innovation, many things become stagnant. We resist change because it forces us to examine things we'd stopped thinking about.

Featured Offer

Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.


Have you ever walked into a room and felt your "otherness"? If you've lived outside of your home country, it's likely you've experienced feeling very out of place. Or perhaps you went to an event focused on a culture different than your own and you felt like you were trespassing.        
July 28, 2021
Being present is a popular theme in inspirational mantras. It sounds simple but being fully in the here-and-now doesn't come naturally to most of us. Being present helps draw our focus into the realm of what we can control – our actions and awareness in this moment. It takes focus away from what we can't control – the mistakes or "good old days" of yesterday and the worries or allure of tomorrow.
July 27, 2021
Here's a question:  How long do you think it takes to be good at something? Therapists tell us that the answer is approximately 6 months to learn a new skill and 9 years to master it. That's a long time of trial, error and probably, discouragement.  If you've faced this type of discouragement, know that there is a time and a place to quit things, but it's not as soon as we might feel like quitting.
July 26, 2021
Imagine you had a wealthy relative who willed her fortune to you. This woman knew you existed, but you had never heard of her! One day, a lawyer appears at your door with the details of your new fortune, but you think it might be a scam. The lawyer insists that you check your bank account. The money belonged to you from the moment the relative signed paperwork, but you weren't aware for quite some time afterward.
July 23, 2021
Having struggled personally with infertility, I've never been able to figure out why some women get pregnant almost by accident, while others, who often desperately want children, suffer multiple miscarriages, searing pain and disappointment. If we study the scriptures trying to answer the "why" of pain and injustice, we can throw up our hands and conclude that there just is no explanation this side of heaven. 
July 22, 2021
Jamila's boss was out of town, so Jamila was checking inventory for the restaurant kitchen she worked in. She texted Laura, who usually managed a different aspect of the restaurant, letting her know that they needed 160 eggs right away or they wouldn't be able to start the recipes for the day. Jamila could tell from Laura's response that she was offended by Jamila's urgency. How could she resolve this issue?
July 21, 2021
The average life expectancy for humans is around 72 years old today, with females outliving males by five years.  The poet Philip Larkin imagined each decade of life as if it were a day of the week. If we're born on Sunday morning, figuratively speaking, you're reaching the end of your life on the following Saturday evening. If you are currently 30 years old, you're living on Wednesday.
July 20, 2021
My friend Erica tells how her mom would read her stories about missionaries who lived truly courageous lives. One person gave their last dollar to someone in need and then had literally nothing left to eat themselves. That very day, someone came to their door to share some bananas. "I wondered if the missionary was being foolish," Erica shared, "since they were now in desperate need. But the story ended with provision, not need."
July 19, 2021
Madonna, the Kardashians and David Bowie are just a few of the cross-wearing celebrities known the world over.  But the cross is more, excruciatingly more, than a fashion statement.  The cross depicts crucifixion and Jesus calls those who follow Him to be crucified with Him, and to take up our cross daily. (Galatians 2:20)
July 16, 2021
Sarah Walsh Landini was a 20-something, unmarried Christian who abstained from sex.  But at age 23, she didn't, and one month later she was pregnant.  "The Bible says not to do it," she says, "but I think, for most people, they need more than that…we want to know why. And most of the time folks aren't prepared to answer the question why."[1]   [1] Banks, A. M. (2012, April 23). Facing Facts, Evangelicals Say It's Time To Really Talk About Sex. HuffPost.   
July 15, 2021
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Deeper With God: What is God Asking of Me?
Do you want to grow closer to God? Start this study to learn how to know God more.

About Reset

We all need a daily reset!  Bonnie Sala shares 2 minutes of daily encouragement that will help you connect the way you live with what you believe.  Learn how the truth and grace of God’s Word can reset your thinking, relationships, attitudes, habits and more!

About Bonnie Sala

Bonnie is the president of Guidelines International Ministries, which exists to shine the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip and bring hope to new believers, the unreached, and those living under persecution.

Contact Reset with Bonnie Sala

Mailing Address: 
26161 Marguerite Parkway, Suite F
Mission Viejo, CA 92692