
How To Live Free Of The Next Best Thing

February 18, 2022

The Greek storyteller, Aesop, told of a father who took his son and set off to market.  The son rode a donkey, and the father led the animal.  When they passed through the first town, people commented, "What a lazy boy.  Imagine, riding while his father walks."  The father heard the criticism and changed places.  At the next town, people called out, "Old man, how dare you ride and let your son walk!"  The father again responded to the criticism by getting off the donkey, and then both walked.  Coming to a third town, the father heard people whisper, "How crazy can you get?  Two people walking and letting the donkey carry nothing!" 

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We all need a daily reset!  Bonnie Sala shares 2 minutes of daily encouragement that will help you connect the way you live with what you believe.  Learn how the truth and grace of God’s Word can reset your thinking, relationships, attitudes, habits and more!

About Bonnie Sala

Bonnie is the president of Guidelines International Ministries, which exists to shine the light of the Gospel in places of spiritual darkness through audio messages that encourage, equip and bring hope to new believers, the unreached, and those living under persecution.

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26161 Marguerite Parkway, Suite F
Mission Viejo, CA 92692