Reframing Ministries

Colleen Swindoll Thompson

Finding Hope for PTSD: An Interview with Jolene Philo

August 14, 2020

Anyone who has experienced it knows: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) provides huge challenges. Jolene Philo understands. In this interview, Jolene offers a wealth of wisdom as she talks about the many special needs in her family as well as the diagnosis of PTSD.

She models an example of a person who has learned to trust Christ as Lord over all things. She encourages us to do the same.

Listen in on this revisited dialogue between Colleen and Jolene as they tackle the heavy topic of special needs and PTSD.

Featured Offer

When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School
In When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School, Colleen Swindoll Thompson weaves together biblical truth, practicality, and her own growth experiences as a mother of a son with special needs. She writes with raw honesty about her personal crisis of faith as well as the hardship and humor that come with learning to trust God through difficult times.


It was an enviable life.Jennifer Shaw had strong Christian parents, an excellent education, a loving husband, and two adorable girls.But it changed almost overnight.A miscarriage that almost took her life, her beloved father’s diagnosis of a terminal disease, and the birth of her atypical son turned Jennifer’s life into one of suffering, sorrow, and searching. But her story also includes a surprising turn as she discovered God’s faithfulness and goodness through her suffering.Listen in as we revisit this conversation with Jennifer, who offers a depth of understanding for caregivers and those with disabilities, empathy for those who have lost a loved one, and compassion for all who encounter life-changing circumstances.
July 7, 2020
Marriages often struggle with the significant challenges that come with raising a special needs child.Joe and Cindi Ferrini have been there—and are making it work.This will encourage you in your marriage as Joe and Cindi balance serious topics with much-needed humor. We discuss commitment, good choices, adaptation and acceptance, divorce, dependence on biblical truth, and the importance of a Spirit-filled life.Your special needs family doesn’t have to erode your marriage. Joe and Cindi are proof that you can make it stronger.Listen in as we revisit this conversation between Colleen and Cindi and Joe Ferrini.
June 2, 2020
In less than a minute, life can change forever. For Joni, in less than one minute, a dive into shallow water decades ago resulted in quadriplegia for the rest of her life. For Joni and Ken, in less than one minute, the words “stage 3 breast cancer” rang through their ears. What’s more, most minutes of Joni’s life are filled with acute, almost unbearable chronic pain. Marriage vows include the tough words like: “in sickness and in health . . . for better or for worse.” Realities such as these pull and strain at a marriage. Ken and Joni have endured sickness, poor health, despair, emotional weariness, depression, and marital strain. Ken and Joni show us we must choose—in sickness or health, able or disabled—our attitudes and responses to what life tosses our way! Their example of clinging to passages such as 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 and 1 Samuel 16:7, singing hymns of praise, and choosing to trust that God is sovereign in the midst of massive challenges will encourage you, empower you, and equip you with greater hope. Listen in as we revisit this conversation between Colleen and Joni & Ken Tada!
May 6, 2020
In 2008, Greg Laurie received a phone call that changed his life. His son Christopher had been killed in a car accident. Greg Laurie knows personal grief up close. In this candid interview, he shares what helped him walk through his season of sorrow—as well as the lingering loss he continually endures through faith. Listen in as we revisit this impactful interview between Colleen and Greg Laurie.
April 7, 2020
Life is full of ups and downs we never expected. For some, the surprising twists and turns change everything about life.Amy Robertson understands challenges, change, and choices in the midst of unbearable pain.When Amy Robertson’s youngest son, Dustin, was diagnosed with severe autism just before he turned 3, life was difficult.When Dustin turned 11, the difficulty turned into utter despair.The good news is that God was faithful to bring Amy and her family through the difficult decision of placing Dustin in a group home. Amy’s authentic message of despair, acceptance, surrender, grief, and choices is saturated with truth, comfort, and the amazing hope provided by our faithful God.We all encounter a crisis or event that appears impossible to endure and demands we choose to walk by faith. If you find yourself in a place of darkness, despair, or doubt, Amy’s story will offer an abundance of encouragement and hope. Listen in as we revisit this conversation between Colleen and Amy!
March 3, 2020
We are wrapping our arms around a subject that has no age limit, no time limit, and no generational limit. In this multigenerational dialogue between three Swindolls, we dissect and discuss the idea of transgenerational grace and its observable impact through time. Whether you’re in your 20s, 50s, or 80s, learning and living grace is always appropriate and always needed. Link arms with us as we explore the influence of grace in subjects like grace toward siblings with disabilities, gracious parenting, Paul’s transformation into a gracious change-agent, and grace-oriented vs. legalistically-oriented families.
February 4, 2020
Anxiety is a word we often label negatively. In this interview, Pastor of Biblical Counseling Steve Fischer highlights the positives of anxiety, how we complicate anxiety-producing challenges, and how God can help us view anxiety through the lens of truth, humility, grace, and support.
January 7, 2020
I was a girl who never thought I had a testimony . . . and I was about to be handed the worst testimony of my life.    —Blue Lagoon, Jamaica, September, 2001 Back-to-back tragedies during a vacation in Jamaica created a new path for Tammy to walk—one that required longevity in healing and finding long-term hope in Christ after personal and national disasters. “Life will change, life will break, things will happen; it’s not a matter of ‘if’ they will but a matter of ‘when.’ When they happen in our lives, who will be that one that brings us back to life again?” Join us as Colleen talks with Tammy about her personal journey, the processes of healing after losing a partner, how to see and embrace God’s long-term plans, and how to “Find support” and “Navigate the next steps” in the Reframing process.
December 10, 2019
Joining us for the third time in Reframing Ministries’ history of interviews is Jolene Philo, a renowned author, speaker, blogger, and special needs expert. Today, Jolene shares biblical wisdom with us regarding how to use the five love languages not only to love well, but to love uniquely. Listen in as Colleen and Jolene discuss Jolene’s new book, Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities. We hope this episode inspires families and churches to seek new opportunities to thoughtfully love others as Christ loves us.
November 5, 2019
After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 30, Mark Davis Pickup’s life took a radical turn. Not only did his daily lifestyle have to be reframed, but so did the placement of his identity: “The whole self-image issue comes up . . . and this isn’t just for people with disabilities, it’s for everybody . . . I had to redefine myself, from being healthy and able bodied, with an upwardly mobile career, to a new human being that was now in a wheelchair. Who is that new human being? I had to redefine ‘Self’.” —Mark Davis Pickup. This life-readjustment for Mark led to his occupation of advocacy for human life, and placing our identity, our value, and our entirety of hope in Christ alone. If you are facing a redefining of your “Self”, a situation involving abortion, Multiple Sclerosis, or other trials involving a life-readjustment, we hope that Colleen’s truthful and enlightening conversation with Mark is an encouragement to you today.
August 6, 2019
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Featured Offer

When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School
In When Life Isn't Fair: What They Didn't Tell Us in Sunday School, Colleen Swindoll Thompson weaves together biblical truth, practicality, and her own growth experiences as a mother of a son with special needs. She writes with raw honesty about her personal crisis of faith as well as the hardship and humor that come with learning to trust God through difficult times.

About Reframing Ministries

Reframing Ministries was created and is wholeheartedly committed to caring for caregivers and those living with significant challenges. As a ministry, Reframing embraces those who suffer. We understand that life is messy and painful; we also know without healthy support, surviving well is impossible. At some point in your life, you will need care on some level, and you will be called to provide care for others who are suffering. Because of Colleen’s experience as a caregiver, ongoing physical pain, her education in psychology and certification as a life coach, Reframing Ministries is equipped to come alongside families, communities, and churches with resources purposed to equip you to live well and help others live well. We offer help and hope through books, written articles, inspiring interviews, online support groups, personal emails, podcasts, and a collective network of authentic world influencers.

You are here for a reason! YOU matter! Your story is so important. Reframing Ministries invites you to embrace life’s challenges, learn how to shift your perspective, walk alongside other’s in need, and be an inspiration to others as the light and life of Jesus shines through you.

About Colleen Swindoll Thompson

Subscribers get instant access to our free 5-Day Patio Video Devo Series. In these brief video devotionals, Colleen shares real-life, raw moments and the truth that sustains through trials to help you care for your soul and for others.  Subscribe here.

Contact Reframing Ministries with Colleen Swindoll Thompson

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Insight for Living
Post Office Box 5000
Frisco, Texas 75034
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(800)772 - 8888