
Strong Families and Faith: A Response to Woke Culture and Politics

June 19, 2023

Mollie Hemingway, the editor-in-chief of The Federalist, shares about the priority of her faith and family as she influences culture in the nation’s capital. She outlines some of her key concerns about the shift away from a family-centric culture to a more government-centric culture. She shares about sounding the alarm on the Kermit Gosnell abortion trial and offers insights about a post-Roe America. She also talks about woke culture, Big Tech, the LGBT movement, and Critical Race Theory - their damaging impact on religious freedoms, and how we must counter these trends by practicing our Christian faith consistently. She challenges believers to respond to the culture with grace and truth as you to prayerfully face the future with hope and optimism.


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The Daily Citizen exists to give you timely, relevant analysis of current events and cultural trends all from a biblical worldview. 


This article explores the horrific things narcotics investigators had found in a Philadelphia abortion facility run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell.


Click here to enjoy the video series  “Awake and Alive to Truth” featuring John L. Cooper, lead singer and bassist for the platinum-selling and Grammy-nominated rock band Skillet.


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About ReFOCUS with Jim Daly

Our culture grows more complicated and challenging every day, and we want to address those tough issues on the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly podcast. Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, and he enjoys having deep and heartfelt conversations with people that will leave you feeling challenged and strengthened in your faith. That’s why he has invited some of the most acclaimed and respected thinkers of our day to join in the conversation. He will dig deeper and ask the hard questions to help you share Christ’s grace, truth, and love. This podcast will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and more engaged with the world. Dive in and listen to the podcast.

About Jim Daly

Jim Daly is President of Focus on the Family. His personal story from orphan to head of an international Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive demonstrates — as he says — "that no matter how torn up the road has already been, or how pothole-infested it may look ahead, nothing — nothing — is impossible for God."

Daly is author of two books, Finding Home and Stronger. He is also a regular panelist for The Washington Post/Newsweek blog “On Faith.”

Keep up with Daly at

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