
Sharing the Gospel by Loving Your Enemies

July 31, 2023

Virginia Prodan is an author, international human rights attorney, and public speaker. She shares her powerful story of courageously sharing God's love with a gun-wielding assassin in Communist Romania sent to execute her in her law office. For defending Christians behind the Iron Curtain, Virginia was kidnapped, beaten, had her life threatened on several occasions, and led her would-be assassin to Christ. She inspires listeners to fearlessly stand for Christ, unwavering from the truth, no matter the cost.


Get Virginia Prodan's book to read her full story when you make a gift of any amount.


Buy your copy of Jim Daly’s book, ReFOCUS! He shares how believers can engage others in the culture with the love of Christ and reveal the heart of God.


Watch this video series for more on following Christ in a hostile culture.


Read more practical advice from Jim Daly on evangelism.


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About ReFOCUS with Jim Daly

Our culture grows more complicated and challenging every day, and we want to address those tough issues on the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly podcast. Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, and he enjoys having deep and heartfelt conversations with people that will leave you feeling challenged and strengthened in your faith. That’s why he has invited some of the most acclaimed and respected thinkers of our day to join in the conversation. He will dig deeper and ask the hard questions to help you share Christ’s grace, truth, and love. This podcast will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and more engaged with the world. Dive in and listen to the podcast.

About Jim Daly

Jim Daly is President of Focus on the Family. His personal story from orphan to head of an international Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive demonstrates — as he says — "that no matter how torn up the road has already been, or how pothole-infested it may look ahead, nothing — nothing — is impossible for God."

Daly is author of two books, Finding Home and Stronger. He is also a regular panelist for The Washington Post/Newsweek blog “On Faith.”

Keep up with Daly at

Contact ReFOCUS with Jim Daly with Jim Daly

Mailing Address
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 
Toll-free Number
(800) A-FAMILY (232-6459)