The Sermon on the Mount - The Blessed life - Follow Messiah #7
Matt 5:1-7. Now that we’ve covered some basic principals of Who Yeshua is and what it means to follow Him, we dive into His teachings. This survey of the Sermon on the Mount starts in Matthew 5 and we start with the first 5 blessings. These give a perspective of how we are blessed by God when we seek to live in a way that honors Him.
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Abiding with Christ can be a real challenge with the stresses and strains of life. It’s easy to look up at the end of a week and realize how little we really connected with Jesus! Each day’s reading contains Scripture and a devotional thought created to help you abide with Christ and become one with Him. It’s also created to be read on your cell phone, so it’s a perfect read when time is short.
Featured Offer
Abiding with Christ can be a real challenge with the stresses and strains of life. It’s easy to look up at the end of a week and realize how little we really connected with Jesus! Each day’s reading contains Scripture and a devotional thought created to help you abide with Christ and become one with Him. It’s also created to be read on your cell phone, so it’s a perfect read when time is short.
About One For Israel
About Dr. Erez Soref
Erez grew up in a traditional Israeli household, attending synagogue every week and learning the Old Testament in school all the way from first to twelfth grade, but to him, God felt distant. Bible lessons were taught more as the general history of the Jewish people, rather than with spiritual meaning. After his service in the IDF, Erez left for southeast Asia on the “Mysticism” trail, wanting to better understand spirituality. It was on his search that he discovered Israel’s best kept secret: Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. After his life changing discovery, Erez immediately wanted to study the scriptures but found no Bible college in Israel to help. Erez felt that he was called to change that, and has worked tirelessly since then to provide the opportunity to Israelis—both Jewish and Arab—to study the Bible, in Hebrew where it happened. Today, Erez serves as president of the only accredited Bible college in Israel, training Israelis for ministry in the One for Israel Bible college. Under his leadership the college has trained thousands for ministry in Israel, and created a online awakening with cutting edge media outreach. Through One For Israel, we reach millions of Israelis with the gospel every year, and hundreds of millions around the world. Erez lives in Netanya with his wife, Sisi, and their three children.
Contact One For Israel with Dr. Erez Soref
1300 Glade Rd
Colleyville, TX 76034