Are you too busy to be kind?


As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

Remember the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37? He was on a journey but stopped and helped a bruised and broken man. He didn’t make excuses saying, “It’s none of my business.” It was a golden moment, and he took it.

All around us are people who are bruised and bleeding, people who need the compassion of Christ. We need to say, “This is an opportunity, and I'm going to take it right now.” We need to see their pain as a golden opportunity to serve them in the name of Jesus.

The chief enemy to kindness is busyness. We have our priorities, our jobs, our duties, our responsibilities, and we’re too busy. But if we’re too busy to be kind, we’re too busy. You can't do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it may be too late. As you have opportunity, let's do good.

What’s on your schedule today? If someone had a flat tire, could you fix it? If someone called and needed a ride to the hospital, could you take them? Clear the way for Jesus, my friend.

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