Love Worth Finding

Adrian Rogers

The Five Pillars of Salvation

January 23, 2013
The Pillars of Salvation: Have you ever considered what your salvation is resting upon? It has to withstand the world, the flesh and the devil--and it has to last forever. Be fortified with this message from one of the greatest chapters in all the Bible, Romas chapter 8.
References: Romans 8:28-39

Featured Offer

Bring Back the Glory Series
Can there be a national spiritual awakening? The answer is yes! The principles in the book of Judges seem to have more relevance for America than any time in history! These messages are a solemn warning, but also a glimmer of hope to punch holes in this present-day darkness.


The Gospel of Grace: In this day when everyone cries "tolerance!"--you're labled an extremist if you don't embrace everyone else's version of truth. Pastor Rogers reveals steadfast truths for you today about the gift of grace purchased by Jesus Christ.
January 21, 2013
The Dangers of Extremism: When others look at your life, can they see the grace of God? It's important to balance the zeal you have for the Lord with grace. Adrian Rogers gives some examples of how misgided zeal actually damages the cause of Christ.
January 18, 2013
Freedom from the Performance Trap: "Perfect" is a beautiful word, but "perfectionism" is not! Are you straining toward impossible goals, measuring your self worth by what you accomplish? Then you will constantly be plagued with frustration and failure. Find out how to break free and accept God's grace in your life!
January 17, 2013
Abounding Victory Through Amazing Grace: God’s plan for you is victory in all things! There’s a powerful connection between grace and victory. Find out how you can have victory over temptation and sin in your life.  Stop fighting and enjoy the freedom you can have in Christ!
January 15, 2013
Liberated Living: Satan never stops trying to enslave people. Christ came so you could know the joys of living in the freedom of God’s perfect love for you. Learn how not to be a slave to yourself, others, or your circumstances. Discover what it truly means to enjoy a life of liberty!
January 11, 2013
This Is Your Life: One reason Grace is so amazing is that it's so contrary to human nature. We think we must do something to merit His grace. Adrian Rogers explains: God doesn't love us because we're valuable.  We're valuable because He loves us!
January 9, 2013
Don't Be a Disgrace to Grace: People ought to be able to tell the difference in a person who's received God's grace. In the tragic life example of Abraham's nephew, Lot, Adrian Rogers shares hard-hitting truths about the way you and I live in this world. Could we be in danger of disgracing the work of Christ?
January 7, 2013
From Grace to Glory: Does it seem to you that the light of hope in this world is growing dim? God’s word promises you can have a blessed hope and a glorious future Find out how today through the transforming power of God’s grace in your life.
January 3, 2013
Today’s message is the first in a study of Titus, a little book with a big message. Learn to avoid the dangers of extremism and enjoy true freedom in Christ. You can have victory every day and become a trophy of His grace.
January 1, 2013
Heaven is not a state of mind. It’s a real place. The Bible gives us all we need to know about heaven. Join Adrian Rogers as he enlightens us on what God’s Word tells us about heaven. It’s so much more than we can even imagine.
December 28, 2012
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Featured Offer

Bring Back the Glory Series
Can there be a national spiritual awakening? The answer is yes! The principles in the book of Judges seem to have more relevance for America than any time in history! These messages are a solemn warning, but also a glimmer of hope to punch holes in this present-day darkness.

About Love Worth Finding

Love Worth Finding's purpose is to bring people to Christ and mature them in the faith. This happens primarily through efforts in publishing and broadcasting biblical truth.

Love Worth Finding began in 1987, as a response to several requests for tapes of messages by pastor and Bible teacher Adrian Rogers. He relates that "soon the requests began to grow to the point that we knew God was leading us into a wider ministry." As an extension of Dr. Rogers' pulpit ministry Love Worth Finding provided that role and continues today. 
Dr. Rogers stated, "I believe God wants us to proclaim the message of salvation in the power of the Holy Spirit by every means possible. That’s our commitment at Love Worth Finding." 

In response to many who are asking,has that purpose changed since the home-going of Dr. Rogers? No, God wants us to continue to proclaim the message of salvation. The messenger may be gone, but the message must continue. Millions still have not heard the precious name of Jesus or know His redeeming grace. 

So our race is not over. We must still run—until Jesus comes. If you believe in what God has called LWF to do,we invite you to help us proclaim God's truth. 

Our prayer is that you will join with us in running the race and in broadcasting the Good News that Jesus Christ is truly the greatest Love worth finding.

About Adrian Rogers

Known for his evangelistic zeal and uncompromising commitment to the Word of God, Adrian Rogers was one of the greatest preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time. For over fifty years, he consistently presented the Good News of Jesus Christ with strong conviction, compassion,and integrity.

He was a devoted family man — husband to his childhood sweetheart Joyce, father to four children, grandfather to nine, and great-grandfather to six. Of all his accomplishments, Dr. Rogers often said his greatest joy centered in his relationship to Jesus Christ, his wife and family, and the church he pastored. The recipient of many honors and awards, the trophy he treasured most was one presented to him by his children one Father’s Day in which he was proclaimed The World’s Greatest Dad.

Under his pastoral leadership, Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, grew from 9,000 members in 1972 to more than 29,000 at his retirement in 2005. And Adrian Rogers was a leader in his denomination, serving three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

God’s blessing on Dr. Rogers’ ministry became even more evident with the birth of Love Worth Finding Ministries in 1987. Dr. Rogers was the founder and Bible teacher of Love Worth Finding, an internationally syndicated television and radio ministry. The sun never sets on this ministry which is broadcast on radio, television, and the Internet. You can find LWF declaring the Gospel and changing lives in more than 150 countries around the world. In 2003, Dr. Rogers was honored to be inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame by the National Religious Broadcasters.

Dr. Rogers was active in national leadership and personally consulted and prayed with five presidents of the United States. He visited and had the privilege of sharing the platform with President George W. Bush in the White House on the National Day of Prayer for America.

Dr. Rogers preached overseas crusades in Taiwan, South Korea, Israel, Russia, Romania, and in Central and South America.
Even though the Lord called him home in 2005, his messages of "Come To Jesus" are still reaching around the world.  In fact, every country in the world except for one has visited

Please join us in praying that God's messages will continue to penetrate the hearts of young and old ... and near and far!

Contact Love Worth Finding with Adrian Rogers

Mailing Address
Love Worth Finding Ministries
P.O. Box 38300
Memphis, TN 38183-0300
(901) 382-7900