Guidelines For Living

Harold Sala

Learn How To Give Your All

October 25, 2021

On October 21, 1855, a Sunday school teacher by the name of Ed Kimball went to the store where one of his students was working, and there in a back room, Kimball challenged Dwight Moody to become a Christian.  Raised by a Unitarian mother, young Dwight knew about God, but under Kimball he came to know Jesus Christ.  Later known as D. L. Moody, this man had a powerful exuberance for God.  Leaving school to work in his uncle's shoe store, Moody never got an advanced education.  His grammar was terrible.  When he was once asked about his theology, he said he didn't have any.  The Congregational church where he attended agreed with him, and turned him down when he asked to be ordained as a minister.

Featured Offer

In this booklet, you will find devotional readings from each of Guidelines' daily and weekly devotionals: Reset with Bonnie Sala, Guidelines for Living with Harold Sala, and Encouraging Words with Darlene Sala. Let God's Word shine in your life every day!


If you think that life today is not an ongoing spiritual war with battle lines clearly drawn, you simply aren't aware of what is happening today in every sphere of life, and need to raise your spiritual awareness. Some see a devil behind every dark bush and give Satan far more credit than he deserves, yet the reality is that he is alive and well. He stands in opposition to God, His nature and character, and—yes, let's face it—His children as well.  And if you are God's child, that's where you get dragged into the battle.
October 22, 2021
How valuable are you anyway?  Are you worth your weight in diamonds or rubies?  Or even rice or potatoes?  Scores of people today feel that their worth is not even that of straw.  They struggle with feelings of worthlessness and inadequacies, completely overwhelmed by their feelings of inferiority, and the more they think about it, the worse the situation becomes.
October 21, 2021
Alan Travers told about it in a Trans World Radio publication.  He was ministering in a church which had been infiltrated by Communist agents who reported everything that was said and done.  He wrote, "One of the men in the church was pointed out to me as the government spy who would report to the police the next day everything that was said in church that morning.  I was not surprised that there was such an informer there, but what did surprise me was that during the morning prayer session this man stood up and prayed and the congregation joined in with him." 
October 20, 2021
In the comedy, "The Three Stooges," there is a scene where Curly and Moe are angry with each other.  The smaller of the two men always comes out being the loser, so Curly says, "I'm going to strap a stick of dynamite to my chest, so the next time he hits me, he'll get blown up!"  Sure!  That's what happens when you plot revenge on someone who has hurt you.  Revenge not only destroys your enemy; it destroys you at the same time.
October 19, 2021
The judge called it "strength."  The prosecutor called it "refreshing."  And the general public called it "crazy!"  It was the response of forgiveness which a 70 year-old woman had towards the man who cut her throat and sexually assaulted her. 
October 18, 2021
An unknown pundit wrote the following:  "A group of birds decided to form a church.  So they called a meeting and the duck stood up and said, 'I think we should require baptism by immersion.  It's the only way we can get their pocketbooks wet.'  But the rooster said, 'No, we should baptize people by sprinkling...many people dislike the embarrassment of getting wet all over.'  So the argument went on.
October 15, 2021
"Does God really lack a sense of humor?"  That question was the lead sentence in an article that crossed my desk.  I read the article and got to thinking about it.  John Dart, writing for the L. A. Times, asked some provocative questions and started me thinking.  Does God have a sense of humor?
October 14, 2021
"Dear Dr. Sala," writes a friend of Guidelines.  "Your messages…are uplifting.  I oftentimes tell myself, what is life for?  Why should one person be more hurt than others?  Why must one's life be lived until you succumb to death?  Why can't one evaporate, vanish on one's command, if life is untenable?  Can you give some answers to these questions?"
October 13, 2021
"Dear Dr. Sala," writes a listener.  "First and foremost, I'm mad.  Really mad at my life.  It's the pits.  All of my life, God has been unfair to me.  He put me in a dysfunctional family, made me endure things you wouldn't imagine possible and made me ugly.  I feel so ugly because people respond to me in a way that I don't like."  The last sentence reads, "I wrote this as a last resort."  And it is signed, "Whipsawed by Confusion."
October 12, 2021
What do you do when your head and your heart don't agree, besides hurting a lot?  A young woman who is a Christian, unhappily married and wanting to find the right person and marry, meets a man, usually married and a few years older than she, and he begins to give her attention.  He makes her feel important and tells her how turned on he is by her, that she is exactly what he has been looking for all his life. 
October 11, 2021
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Featured Offer

In this booklet, you will find devotional readings from each of Guidelines' daily and weekly devotionals: Reset with Bonnie Sala, Guidelines for Living with Harold Sala, and Encouraging Words with Darlene Sala. Let God's Word shine in your life every day!

About Guidelines For Living

Start your day with hope, confidence, and purpose by listening to the Guidelines for Living daily devotional with Harold Sala! This 5-minute program offers insightful teaching from God’s Word and practical application for living out your faith in the day-to-day. Strengthen your relationship with Jesus by adding this short devotional to your daily routine.  Guidelines for Living is the longest running five-minute program in Christian radio!  

About Harold Sala

Speaker, author and Bible teacher, Dr. Harold Sala founded Guidelines in 1963 and pioneered the first 5-minute Christian program on radio.  Dr. Sala holds a Ph.D. in biblical text and has taught at conferences, seminars and churches the world over.  An author of over 60 books published in 19 languages, his most recent release is 40 Unstoppable Women (Rose Publishing).



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26161 Marguerite Parkway, Suite F
Mission Viejo, CA 92692